Take the time to step back and examine your goals, your desires, your personality, your life. A little self-awareness now could prevent exercise derailment later.
Structural Integration techniques like Rolfing can improve your posture, your athletic performance and your sense of well-being. But are you ready to be Rolfed?
Knowing your maximum heart rate is essential for effective aerobic workouts. But if you're using 220 minus your age, you may be missing the mark entirely.
Over the three years that I’ve been editing this magazine, I’ve been developing my own little mental image of how this whole health and fitness thing works.
More people than ever are medicating for mood disorders, but author Julia Ross, MD, says there may be a more natural approach that's just as effective.
Forget the cream of mushroom soup and onion crisps. These rustic dishes will jazz up your main course and have guests coming back for guilt-free seconds.
Not a month goes by that I don’t hear from at least one friend or relative who says: “I had the weirdest dream last night; listen to this ...” People call me to tell me their dreams because I am, seriously, the queen of amateur dream analysis.
If you build it, he will come. That line, made legendary by the 1989 film Field of Dreams, still resonates with a lot of people. I think that's because it says everything about what we instinctively know to be true about pursuing our own dreams.
The food industry has turned out some scary stuff in recent decades, but that doesn't mean you have to stand quaking in your kitchen. Here's how to take the fear out of your food choices — and put common sense back in.
Faced with an important task, it's not uncommon to come up against a wall of resistance. In The War of Art, author Steven Pressfield tells you how to break through.
Have you ever had a profound emotional experience during your workout and not understood why? Here's a scientific look at what's behind exercise-induced emotional release and what it may be telling you.