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chalk drawing of a head with post its that have question marks drawn on them

PUMPING IRONY: Something Worth Remembering

By Craig Cox

Offering a balm to absent-minded seniors who worry that Alzheimer’s may lurk just around the corner, a new Mayo Clinic study suggests that memory loss may not necessarily mean dementia.

a woman talks on the phone while holding a pill pack

PUMPING IRONY: The Hidden Human Costs of Healthcare

By Craig Cox

The time and energy seniors expend to navigate our fragmented healthcare system — and protect themselves from unscrupulous insurers — often adds an overwhelming burden to those already coping with chronic illnesses.

Bahram Akradi

An Unwavering Vision

By Bahram Akradi

Bahram Akradi shares his thoughts on founding Life Time more than 30 years ago and how the Life Time app is advancing his vision of empowering people everywhere to lead healthier, happier lives.

folded elderly hands

PUMPING IRONY: For Anxious Seniors, a Worrisome Recommendation

By Craig Cox

An alarming portion of American seniors suffer from various undiagnosed anxiety disorders. And though treatment options are expanding, a recent ruling by an influential task force virtually guarantees that few will receive the help they need.

a collection of medical apparatus and pills

PUMPING IRONY: Overstating the Case for Statins?

By Craig Cox

New research argues that a popular calculator designed to measure the risk of heart disease may have led to millions of unnecessary statin prescriptions. A new tool may provide a more accurate assessment.

illustration of brain with puzzle piece

PUMPING IRONY: On the Alzheimer’s Frontier, Big Pharma Plays Regulatory Roulette

By Craig Cox

New research suggests that we may be closer than ever to understanding a cause of Alzheimer’s. Will a suddenly more scrupulous Food and Drug Administration give serious consideration to novel treatment options?

a silver haired woman sleeping

PUMPING IRONY: To Protect Your Bones, Get Some Sleep

By Craig Cox

Millions of older Americans suffer from osteoporosis, a bone disease that makes them especially vulnerable to fractures. Hormones, diet, and a sedentary lifestyle have long been blamed for the affliction, but recent research points to another culprit: too little sleep.

a hospital room setting

PUMPING IRONY: Redefining Death?

By Craig Cox

Despite recent attempts to forge some consensus on what qualifies as brain death, physicians often remain uncertain about whether — and when — to pull the plug on a patient.

aged hands wrap around a small toy house


By Craig Cox

A retired neighbor’s recent downsizing highlights an increasingly rare real estate win at a time when the vast majority of seniors are facing a serious housing crisis.

a pill box with Rx forms around it

PUMING IRONY: When the Pills Are the Problem

By Craig Cox

Struggling with some annoying side effects of my meds, I’m heartened by new research showing the salutary results of “deprescribing” a popular drug among seniors.

empty wine bottles

PUMPING IRONY: Boomers on a Binge

By Craig Cox

Alcohol-related deaths have been rising at an alarming rate among American seniors, who may be unaware of the risks. And while some countries are taking steps to curb consumption, U.S. regulators seem perfectly comfortable with the status quo.

dental floss a toothbrush and a yellow eek emojii

PUMPING IRONY: Molars and Mood

By Craig Cox

Can poor oral health lead to anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders? Recent research provides some clues, but nothing to really worry about. Maybe.

Empty shelves in a pharmacy

PUMPING IRONY: Big Pharma and the Vanishing Pharmacy

By Craig Cox

Major drugstore chains are shuttering their outlets at an alarming rate, making it harder for seniors to get their prescriptions. Eli Lilly’s new direct-to-consumer drug service may make matters even worse.

should you take a daily aspirin? And aspirin pill sits on a question mark

PUMPING IRONY: Upon Further Review … New Questions on Aspirin Use

By Craig Cox

In another blow to conventional wisdom, recent research is challenging the long-held belief that a low-dose aspirin regimen may protect healthy seniors from heart attacks and strokes.

a senior man looks at supplements

PUMPING IRONY: The New Youth Pill

By Craig Cox

While the longevity industry touts an obscure generic drug as the latest antiaging panacea, even some of its disciples are counseling caution.

A wheel chair in a nursing home


By Craig Cox

The sudden closure of a Pennsylvania nursing home highlights the postpandemic challenges facing an increasingly troubled industry.

headshot of Jamie Martin, editor in chief of Experience Life magazine

The Strength Within

By Jamie Martin

Jamie Martin, Experience Life‘s editor in chief, on how health and wellness practices can nurture and support resilience.

a puzzle piece cut out of a face shaped piece of paper

PUMPING IRONY: Dementia, Redefined

By Craig Cox

The Alzheimer’s Association and its Big Pharma allies are working behind the scenes to promote a plan that could vastly increase dementia diagnoses — and, not coincidentally, the demand for drugs that provide little relief.

a variety of highly processed snacks

PUMPING IRONY: Junk Food Jeopardy

By Craig Cox

Ultraprocessed foods, which first took hold among my baby boomer compatriots, now make up nearly 60 percent of the average American diet. Some experts say our addiction to this fare is lowering our life expectancy.

Bahram Akradi

Realizing Resilience

By Bahram Akradi

Life Time’s founder, chairman, and CEO on resilience, purpose, and overcoming life’s challenges.

a man with a gray beards checks in smart watch

PUMPING IRONY: There’s an App for That — or Is There?

By Craig Cox

Fitness trackers have long been promoted as effective tools for monitoring key health metrics, but seniors have mostly ignored them. Recent research explains why

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