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heidi headshot and man holding ear

Listen Up: Why Taking Care of Your Hearing Health Matters

With Heidi Hill, AuD
Season 8, Episode 19

One in four people are projected to have some degree of hearing loss by 2025, according to the World Health Organization — and hearing loss is connected to several deeper health impacts, including cognitive decline and cardiovascular function.

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a test tube of blood

What Is A1C?

By Mo Perry

Curious about A1C and what it reveals about your blood sugar? Discover what this crucial test measures, its role in diagnosing diabetes, and what the results mean for your health.

a doctor reviews test results with a patient

Here’s What You Need to Know About A1C

By Mo Perry

High blood glucose and prediabetes diagnoses are becoming increasingly common, even among people who are otherwise in good health. Discover the factors that contribute to a concerning A1C reading, along with diet and lifestyle strategies that can help you regulate your blood-glucose levels.

headshot of jeremy and vinni

How Functional Neurology Can Improve Fitness Performance — For Everyday Athletes and Professionals Alike

With Jeremy Schmoe, DC, and Vinni Lettieri
Season 8, Episode 15

Performing well in fitness endeavors takes consistent effort — yet even with persistent dedication, there may be underlying causes preventing you from performing at your best.

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illustration of brain with puzzle piece

PUMPING IRONY: On the Alzheimer’s Frontier, Big Pharma Plays Regulatory Roulette

By Craig Cox

New research suggests that we may be closer than ever to understanding a cause of Alzheimer’s. Will a suddenly more scrupulous Food and Drug Administration give serious consideration to novel treatment options?

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A Clearer View of Health: A Guide to Understanding Comprehensive Bloodwork

With Jim LaValle, RPh, CCN
Season 8, Episode 13

Learn about some additional blood markers you can have tested beyond the traditional panels and why they matter for painting a more complete picture of your current state of your health.

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illio depicting the effects of Parkinson's disease

Fighting Parkinson’s

By Michael Dregni

We’re in the midst of a Parkinson’s disease crisis. Explore the causes of the world’s fastest growing neurological disorder — and discover the innovative new treatments and functional therapies that can help patients live long and productive lives.

a turtle

PUMPING IRONY: Life in the Slow Lane

By Craig Cox

While researchers hunt for the causes of age-related mobility issues as a way to address Parkinson’s and other diseases, I find myself embracing a mindful slowness.

a reflection of a woman talking with her doctor

A Clearer View of Heart Disease

By Craig Cox

The coronary artery calcium (CAC) scan can offer a better picture of who should actually take statins. Here’s why.

Katie smiling and food in the background

Why It’s Worth it to Test for At-Home Food Reactions

With Katie Knafla, RD
Season 8, Episode 3

A registered dietitian explains what food sensitivities are, what the symptoms and causes are, and what’s involved in testing for them — and the advantages of doing so.

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Rebecca Walcott

How Rebecca Walcott Discovered Wellness Through D.TOX

By Rebecca Walcott

When her energy flagged, one woman learned how to fuel her body more efficiently by participating in a detox program.

can botox help your traps?

What Treating a Migraine With Botox Means for Upper-Body Strength

By Jessica Migala

Can Botox treatments for migraine headaches cause weakness in trapezius muscles? We ask the experts.

a person holds a handful of nuts

ONE HEALTHY HABIT: Cut Your Sugar Consumption

By Experience Life Staff

This month’s challenge offers strategies to curb sugar cravings.

colon cancer awareness

Why Is Colon Cancer on the Rise Among Younger Adults?

By Craig Cox

Cases of colorectal cancer are declining among those over 50, but the disease is becoming more prevalent among younger Americans. Prominent functional-medicine physician Gregory Plotnikoff discusses the trend — and offers preventive measures we can all take.

a woman meets with her family to share her recent medical diagnosis

How to Share a Difficult Diagnosis

By Jessie Sholl

The decision to disclose an illness to others is often a complicated one. This guidance can help you share the news your way.

a puzzle piece cut out of a face shaped piece of paper

PUMPING IRONY: Dementia, Redefined

By Craig Cox

The Alzheimer’s Association and its Big Pharma allies are working behind the scenes to promote a plan that could vastly increase dementia diagnoses — and, not coincidentally, the demand for drugs that provide little relief.

Lindsey Karp riding her bike

Lindsay Karp on Living With Multiple Sclerosis

By Lindsay Karp

A woman with MS shares how she’s learning to love life — and her body — after her diagnosis.

a person gets their blood pressure checked?

What Is Hypotension?

By Craig Cox

Hypotension, or low blood pressure, may pose a risk to your health. Here are some signs your blood pressure is dangerously low.

test tubes labeled HDL test

PUMPING IRONY: Too Much of a Good Thing?

By Craig Cox

Recent research suggests that the “good” cholesterol that helps seniors prevent heart attacks and strokes may also raise their risk of developing dementia.

a bowl of aspartame

Aspartame and Cancer Risk

By Jemima Cooke

Controversy continues to surround this artificial sweetener, which is sold under brand names like Equal and NutraSweet, and its possible link to liver cancer. Learn more.

a person holds a black ribbon

PUMPING IRONY: The Hazards of Healing

By Craig Cox

A much-delayed visit with a dermatologist offers some painful lessons about the danger of ignoring “benign” skin cancers — as well as the damage that may result from treating them.

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