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a young man looks at his phone

How to Use Technology Intentionally and Avoid Using it to Escape Your Emotions

By Katherine Reynolds Lewis

Technology has reshaped the way we process our feelings. This expert advice can help us navigate the digital emotional landscape more smoothly.

A woman writing in a journal in her bedroom.

Building Mental Resilience: 4 Solution-Focused Exercises

By Jen Elmquist, MA, LMFT

Learn how to focus on solutions rather than problems in Part Three of this three-part series.

A woman smiling, basking in the sun.

Building Mental Resilience: 5 Thought-Shifting Exercises

By Jen Elmquist, MA, LMFT

Learn how to control your inner conversation and maintain a steady mental state in Part Two of this three-part series.

A smiling woman sits on a rock by a waterfall.

PUMPING IRONY: A “Perfect” Prescription for Growing Old

By Craig Cox

Memories of a former colleague — and recent research — remind me that an upbeat view of aging may pay healthy dividends well into our later years.

a woman sits on a couch with her eyes closed

Building Mental Resilience: 6 Mind-Body Grounding Exercises

By Jen Elmquist, MA, LMFT

Learn how to reduce your body’s stress response in Part One of this three-part series.

illustration of a person with heart beat line

NATURAL MENTAL HEALTH: How Heart-Rate Variability Affects Your Stress Response

By Henry Emmons, MD

Discover how to create heart-rate coherence for a greater sense of calm.

A stressed man rubbing his eyes at work.

7 Steps to Improve Your Adrenal Function

By Anika Christ, RD, CPT

Plus, how a Life Time dietitian overcame her own adrenal fatigue.

A woman rubbing her eyes, stressed while at work.

5 Signs You’re More Stressed Than You Think

By Samantha McKinney, RD, CPT

Signals not to be ignored that show your stress might be negatively affecting you in deeper ways than you realize.

Samantha McKinney

How to Maximize Your Metabolism

With Samantha McKinney, RD, CPT
Season 3, Episode 3

Metabolism is more complex than simply being “fast” or “slow” or controlled by exercise. There are many things we can do in our daily lives to optimize it. Samantha McKinney, RD, CPT, shares how to build the foundation for a healthy metabolism, as well as ways to dig deeper if you’re not seeing results or feeling your best.

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