Peace Through Personality
The Enneagram can help us understand why each of us deals with conflict differently — and how we can find common ground.
The Enneagram can help us understand why each of us deals with conflict differently — and how we can find common ground.
We assume they are safe. But in fact, many popular household cleaners are dangerously toxic. Learn about the eight scariest substances hiding under your kitchen sink, and how to replace them with safer, more natural options that really work.
Build your strength-training routine with the many class options at Life Time.
Healthy, fit people have learned how to be healthy. Learn those skills, practice them, and you’ll be healthy, too.
Life Time experts share their predictions for what will be top of mind in the coming year.
Fasten your seat belts — healthcare innovation is moving faster than we think.
Wondering if a food sensitivity test is something you may want to consider? A Life Time dietitian offers insights into common sources of food sensitivities, reasons they occur, ways to overcome them, and more.
Nicholas Sandoval is a trainer supporting members in digital workout programs. Learn a little bit about him — and even get his go-to morning smoothie recipe.
Education’s role in shaping the future of the planet.
The healing power of sleep may elude us for any number of reasons — including insomnia. Learn why quality sleep is so essential and how to get more of it.
Many women are drinking more than ever before. Are you one of them?
How changing what’s on your plate can help heal the planet.
How knowing these four different communication styles can improve your relationships.
Before you rush into setting health and fitness goals for the year ahead, stop and appreciate what you’ve already accomplished.
In our obsessive quest to improve its superficial traits, we often forget that our skin is our body’s largest organ — and an incredibly hard worker. Discover how your skin reflects and affects the state of your health, and what you can do to keep your skin looking and feeling its best.
12 big ideas that are shifting the way we think about health.
Avoid taking these five common suggestions at face value when making an effort toward sustainable, long-term change.
Even small transitions can upset your daily routines. Restore your sense of balance and ease with these tips.
Some 40 million Americans regularly suffer from troubling levels of anxiety. Find out what triggers these episodes, how our bodies respond, and how you can remain calmer in the face of whatever life throws your way.
An imbalance in hormones can be to blame for weight gain and other unwanted symptoms — and learning to balance them is often people’s secret to success.
When your workouts are lagging, nothing can get you charged up quite like registering for a really big race.