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to women connect over a phone message while working out

How to Start Using Body-Neutral Language

By Elizabeth Millard

Many of us inadvertently use language that reinforces the idea that thinness is better. Here’s how to speak with compassion.

a pink and yellow sunset

5-Minute Meditation to Help You Take Pause

By Life Time

A quick breather for when you’re experiencing stress or a lack of ease.

Smiling child

How to Help Kids Manage Stress

By Emily Ewen

Mental health experts offer tips for spotting signs of stress in children, along with healthy ways to help them cope. Plus, discover three mindfulness exercises for the whole family.

woman leaning down in yoga pose

The Mind-Body Connection: Tapping in to Mindfulness Through Movement

With Jessie Syfko
Season 6, Episode 21

The mind-body connection refers to how our thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and feelings either positively or negatively influence our physical bodies — and vice versa. It can be a truly powerful resource to tap into. In this episode, Jessie Syfko explains more about this connection, the benefits it provides, how we can grow it, and the integral relationship it has to our fitness efforts.

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a person hands a tissue box to a sad person

How to Deal With Sadness and Grief: 4 Expert Tips

By Jessie Sholl

These strategies can help you cope when feelings of sadness arise.

a woman looks pensively out a window lost in thought

How to Deal With Anger: 3 Expert Tips

By Jessie Sholl

Strategies to help stay in control when feelings of anger arise.

Bahram Akradi, the founder, chairman, and CEO of Life Time — Healthy Way of Life.

Seeking Awe

By Bahram Akradi

The founder and CEO of Life Time on the importance of finding awe.

a person takes a deep breath to calm herself

6 Difficult Emotions and How to Deal With Them

By Jessie Sholl

We often resist challenging emotions, like anger and sadness, but embracing and accepting them is a key step toward wholeness.

a man sitting by a large tree

The 7 Roots of Resilience

By Henry Emmons, MD and Aimee Prasek, PhD

Stay steady through hard times with these seven tips.

a laptop sits on a clear counter

How to Become a Digital Minimalist

By Cal Newport, PhD

A three-step plan to streamline your digital life and reclaim time for what matters most to you.

two women talk and laugh at a coffee shop

7 Simple Ways to Improve Social Connection

By Kara Douglass Thom

Our screens often keep us from fully engaging with the people right in front of us. Discover several strategies to show that you’re present.

an old fashioned alarm clock sits next to a bed

Avoid Screens at Bedtime

By Experience Life Staff

This month’s One Healthy Habit challenge puts time limits on your tech use for better rest at night — and an easier start the next day.

a woman listens to guided imagery

How to Use Guided Imagery

By Quinton Skinner

Guided imagery can be a powerful support tool for health recovery, goal realization, and emotional healing. Here are some practical guidelines to follow when finding the right program for your needs.

Person holding their temples during a mindful moment

5 Techniques for Managing Stress in the Moment

By Brie Vortherms, MA, LMFT

Try these quick exercises for immediate support during stressful times.

a woman wrapped in a blanked looks out a window

How to Break Free From the ‘Laziness Lie’

By Katie Dohman

Psychologist Devon Price deconstructs the myth that we’d all be better off if we were a little less idle.

a man sits on a beach with headphones

How Guided Imagery Can Boost Your Health — and Performance

By Quinton Skinner

Guided imagery can be a powerful support for health recovery, goal realization, and emotional healing. Here’s why.

a person picks a flower from a field of flowers

The 4 Pillars of a Joyful Life

By Henry Emmons, MD and Aimee Prasek, PhD

Two integrative-health experts offer tips on how to overcome depression and anxiety — and rediscover your joy.

Jonah Kest

Jonah Kest on the Power of Yoga

By Experience Life Staff

Jonah Kest shares insights on the power yoga has to support, nourish, and transform our lives.

a gratitude journal sits next to a cup of tea

Practice Gratitude

By Experience Life Staff

This month’s One Healthy Habit challenge inspires a daily routine to express your appreciation — and boosts your well-being in the process.

a tent with aurora borealis

How Awe Can Create a Greater Sense of Happiness

By Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl

Psychologist Dacher Keltner on how awe can transform your life.

Smiling woman holds a child in a snowy outdoor scene

Merry and Mindful: How to Navigate the Holidays — Stressors and All

By Emily Ewen

A Q&A with a Life Time MindCoach on handling the seasonal challenges that arise, reducing stress, and coping with loss and grief.

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