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Vitex agnus-castus, more commonly known as the chasteberry, has long been used to treat a variety of menstrual issues. “Its efficacy in treating many of these symptoms makes it one of the most widely used treatments in Germany, where herbal medicine is a standard part of regular medical care,” writes herbalist and midwife Aviva Romm, MD in her book Hormone Intelligence.

Whether as an extract or in capsule form, the fruit from this Mediterranean tree has anti-inflammatory and hormone-balancing properties that can provide relief from mood swings, depression, breast tenderness, and headaches.

“It is thought that chasteberry alters progesterone sensitivity and restores normal progesterone levels in the body,” explains functional-medicine physician Sara Szal Gottfried, MD, author of The Hormone Cure. “PMS symptoms are typically related to a problem with progesterone, especially in perimenopausal women. Most researchers believe that chasteberry increases the release of luteinizing hormone from the pituitary [gland], which raises progesterone and normalizes the second half of the menstrual cycle.”

British herbalist Catherine Tupper, BM, BS, BSc echoes the benefits of chasteberry as a treatment for PMS-related anxiety, depression, and insomnia. “My first herb would always be Vitex agnus-castus,” she says. 

More Natural Remedies for PMS

Try the lifestyle changes and 10 plant-based remedies for premenstrual syndrome and period pain at “What Are Some Natural Remedies for PMS?,” from which this article was excerpted,

Camille Berry

Camille Berry is a wine and food writer based in San Francisco.

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