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Woman in motion running in workout gear.

As summer winds down and we move into fall, many of us feel a desire to return to some form of a routine. Back to school or back to work — this time of year often brings fewer social commitments and more time to focus on personal growth.

Life Time is aiming to make it easier to commit to a regular regimen of healthy habits by offering supportive, complimentary programs for members — starting with one focused on building a solid nutritional foundation. From there, it transitions to an inspiring movement-centered event that can jump start the monthlong program that’s all about encouraging a consistent exercise regimen and healthy habits.

Whether you choose to participate in one or all three, these programs are designed to help you set a healthy foundation and bring about lasting change.

D.TOX: Build Healthy Nutrition Habits

Kicks off September 9

If you’re looking for support in creating healthy nutrition habits, a focused, short-term plan can be a game-changer for establishing tendencies and feeling better. Life Time’s D.TOX program — designed by Coach Anika Christ, RD, CPT, senior director of nutrition and weight loss for Life Time — is a whole-foods-based approach to detoxing. This 14-day program is included in membership and includes the following:

  • A 14-day meal plan, grocery guide, and approved and non-approved foods lists
  • Family-friendly D.TOX recipes
  • Tips to best prep your body and home for ease and success
  • Weekly to-dos and pro tips from a team of Life Time coaches via email
  • Access to a supportive Facebook community where you can connect with other participants and stay accountable

This program is about detoxification, not deprivation, and past participants have reported feeling more satisfied after meals, learning new cooking skills, and even experiencing a newfound joy with food. Participants also report a 5- to 7-pound weight loss, on average, as well as noticing a clearer complexion, increased energy, decreased bloating, and improved sleep.

Learn more and sign up here: Life Time D.TOX

GO90: Jumpstart Your Fall Workout Routine

Saturday, September 28

Join fellow Life Time members for this inspiring 90-minute workout experience that’s all about raising awareness and financial support for Augie’s Quest, a nonprofit organization dedicated to funding innovative research for finding effective treatments and, ultimately, a cure for ALS.

An initiative aimed at uniting Life Time’s club communities across the country — and organized by the Life Time Foundation — GO90 will get you moving for a cause while also serve as inspiring way to start the 30 Strong challenge.

The 90-minute length of this circuit-style workout is symbolic of the fact that someone is diagnosed with ALS every 90 minutes. It will feature the programming of one or more of Life Time’s signature group training formats. Depending on the club, participants may have the option to either participate in a single format or a mashup of multiple formats — your club may offer an Ultra Fit and GTX mashup or Alpha Strength and Alpha Conditioning mashup, for example. Check your club’s schedule to see what the event options are at your club location.

This event is a great way to reignite your motivation and keep the momentum going — especially if you’re using it as a bridge between participating in the nutrition and exercise programs.

The $25 registration fee for GO90 will be split equally between Augie’s Quest and the Life Time Foundation.

View club schedules to register and learn more about the event here: Life Time Foundation – GO90.

30 Strong: Build Healthy Exercise Habits

Kicks off September 28

Once you’ve kicked off your exercise commitment at GO90, keep the energy going by opting in to 30 Strong, a complimentary 30-day virtual coaching program — available in the Life Time app — to help you establish a daily workout and healthy-habit routine. The program includes both movement and nutrition goals for each of the 30 days.

For nutrition, you’ll aim to consume the following:

(Note that these are both nutrition habits also prioritized as part of the D.TOX program, so you may be simply reinforcing them at this point if you chose to participate in that program.)

For movement, you’ll complete these activities:

  • Three strength workouts, three cardio workouts, and one rest day per week
  • 30 minutes of additional movement, such as walking or yoga per day (this can be a single 30-minute session or mini-movement breaks throughout the day)

For healthy habits, you’ll do the following:

  • 15 to 30 minutes of self-care or recovery each day. This could include time in the sauna or steam room, meditation, stretching, or a mix of recovery activities.
  • Refrain from alcohol consumption
  • Aim for seven or more hours of sleep each night

The program includes a 50-minute complimentary consultation with a Dynamic Personal Trainer to discuss your goals, along with access to exclusive personal-training packages if you choose to add support and accountability.

Register for the 30 Strong Challenge in the Life Time app, or talk to a Dynamic Personal Trainer at your club to learn more.

Keep the conversation going.

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Emily Ewen

Emily Ewen is a senior writer and content editor at Life Time.

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