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Cardio machines are perennial favorites among fitness-seeking crowds. And for good reason: Treadmills, rowers, and stationary bikes are relatively easy to use and mimic familiar body motions. As solitary endeavors, they also feel safe and accessible, especially for beginning exercisers.

But popular wisdom says you can’t get a complete workout on a machine, and that to build muscle, strengthen bones, burn fat, and boost power, you’ve gotta lift weights.

Does that mean you’re destined to a life of plateaus, boredom, and unmet goals if you don’t heft the heavy iron? Nope, says Alex Viada, CSCS, USA Triathlon coach and author of The Hybrid Athlete.

“I love machines,” he says. “You can get tremendous full-body workouts without stepping in the weight room.”

Viada — an ultramarathoner with a 700-pound squat who has trained Kona triathletes, nationally ranked powerlifters, and Boston Marathon qualifiers — says that conventional approaches to cardio and strength are defined by their respective implements: People believe that dumbbells create muscular strength while treadmills create cardiovascular conditioning.

“But your body doesn’t know what tool you’re using,” says Viada. “All it knows is that you’re putting a demand on it. You’re making it do work. The tool you use doesn’t matter as much as how you use it. There’s more than one way to achieve your fitness goals.”

When they’re used wisely, cardio machines can offer many physiological benefits commonly associated with lifting weights: strength, power, and conditioning.

Where people of all experience and skill levels go wrong when using cardio machines, says Viada, is sticking with the same routine, day after day. This habit isn’t just boring: “Eventually, it becomes ineffective.”

Viada, who designed the creative cardio-machine-based workouts that follow, recommends playing with different machines, different speeds, different inclines, and different intervals to reap the strength and power benefits.

“You may not win powerlifting competitions by training on a bike — but you can build strong legs, burn fat, and have fun.

“Movement is inherently good,” he emphasizes. “So whenever and however you choose to work out, listen to your body and follow your heart. Enjoy yourself and feel good — no matter what tool you choose.”

The Cardio-Plus Workout

Alex Viada created the following workouts to burn fat, build muscle, and boost power — using the cardio machines you have in your gym or home.  Perform one or more of these routines two or three times a week. Rotating between machines will allow you to hit a wide variety of muscles — but don’t feel limited to using the specified modality, Viada says.

“Apply these work-outs to any machine you want. Try the elliptical, the stepper, the Jacob’s ladder. The tool matters less than the intention.”

You will note that Viada doesn’t specify speed on the treadmill, resistance on the bike, or wattage on the rower. Rather, he advises letting your body guide your effort. For instance, a 6 mph pace may feel like an easy jog for one person and an all-out sprint for another. Adjust accordingly to achieve each workout’s highlighted objectives.

Build Power

These sprint workouts call for a combination of hard, speedy, explosive bouts and relaxed rest periods.

1. Treadmill



Warm-up: Easy walk for five minutes at a 2 percent incline.

Set 1—Perform eight rounds:

  • 30 seconds, 8 percent incline: Increase the speed to a moderate-for-you jogging pace. Take big steps on your toes to complete long strides.
  • 60 seconds, 2 percent incline: Easy walk.


Set 2—Perform eight rounds:

  • 20 seconds, 10 percent incline: Set the speed at a fast-for-you running pace and take short, chopping steps.
  • 70 seconds, 2 percent incline: Easy walk.
  • At the bottom of each round, carefully step off the treadmill and perform 20 seconds of jumping lunges as quickly as you can with good form.

Cool-down: Easy walk for five minutes.

2. Stationary Bike



Warm-up: Pedal for six minutes at a low rpm (revolutions per minute).

Set 1—Perform six rounds:

  • 30 seconds, 60 rpm: Pedal at a heavy-for-you resistance while remaining in your seat.
  • 90 seconds, 80 rpm: Easy spin at low resistance.


Set 2—Perform six rounds:

  • 20 seconds, 70 rpm: Pedal at a very heavy resistance, standing up on the pedals and out of your seat.
  • 70 seconds, 80 rpm: Easy spin at low resistance in the saddle.

Cool-down: Easy spin at a low resistance for five minutes.

3. Rower


Warm-up: Row 500 meters at a slow, relaxed pace.

Straight set—Perform 15 rounds:

  • 20 seconds of hard pulls.
  • 100 seconds of easy pulls. 

Cool-down: Row 500 meters at a slow, relaxed pace.

Build Strength

These workouts focus on moderate-tempo efforts that keep your heart rate up. The rest intervals won’t allow for full recovery, so pay special attention to your form; if it begins to break down, rest.

1. Treadmill



Warm-up: Easy walk for five minutes at a 2 percent incline.

Set 1—Perform four rounds:

  • 60 seconds, 10 percent incline: Lunge on the treadmill at a slow, controlled speed. Hold onto the rails for balance.

2 minutes, 2 percent incline: Easy walk.Set 2—Perform six rounds:

  • 40 seconds, 8 percent incline: Set the speed to an easy jogging pace.
  • Carefully step off the treadmill and perform 10 bodyweight squats. Step back onto the machine.
  • 80 seconds, 2 percent incline: Easy walk.

Cool-down: Easy walk for five minutes.

2. Stationary Bike


Warm-up: Pedal for six minutes at a low rpm.

Set 1 — Perform five rounds:

  • 60 seconds, 70 rpm: Pedal at a moderate resistance. It should start to feel challenging around the 30-second mark.
  • 2 minutes, 80 rpm: Easy spin at low resistance.


Set 2 — Perform four rounds:

  • 50 seconds, 60 rpm: Pedal at a heavy resistance, out of your seat.
  • 10 seconds, 100+ rpm: Sprint at a low resistance. 
  • 60 seconds, 80 rpm: Pedal at a low resistance in the saddle.

Cool-down: Easy spin at a low resistance for five minutes.

3. Rower



Warm-up: Row 500 meters at a slow, relaxed pace.

Perform 10 rounds:

  • 40 seconds of steady, powerful pulls.
  • Step out of the rower and perform 10 pushups. (Perfect your pushup form with the tips at “Fitness Fix: Perfect Your Pushup“.)
  • 90 seconds of easy pulls.

Cool-down: Row 500 meters at a slow, relaxed pace.

How to Row

  • Start seated in the rower with hands grasping the handles, hips and knees bent, arms straight, head neutral, back straight, and shoulders level.
  • Initiate the drive with your feet, pressing through your heels and using the strength of your legs to propel yourself backward.
  • Lean back slightly, and as your legs straighten pull the handle toward your body. Keep your shoulders relaxed and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you row.
  • Finish the pull with legs straight and the handle below your ribs. Your shoulders should still be relaxed and your wrists should be straight.
  • Extend your arms until they are straight, then lean forward at the hips.
  • Once your hands have cleared your knees, allow your knees to bend and gradually slide your seat forward.
  • Repeat

For more detailed indoor row instructions, see “BREAK IT DOWN: The Row.”

Full-Body Stationary-Bike Workout

The following stationary-bike circuit is a full-body strength-builder that can be scaled for nearly any individual, says workout designer Alex Viada. Adjusting the resistance and speed can make the workout easier or harder. If time is limited, cut one round from each set.

Warm-up: Pedal for four minutes at about 90 rpm with low resistance.

Set 1: The Power Set

Perform four rounds of:

  • 10 seconds: Easy spin.
  • 20 seconds, 70 rpm: Rise out of the saddle and pedal hard at a heavy resistance.
  • 1 minute: Easy spin.
  • At the bottom of each round, carefully step off the bike, and perform 10 jump squats.

Set 2: The Strength Set

Perform four rounds of:

  • 1 minute, 75 rpm: Stay in your seat and pedal hard at a heavy resistance.
  • Carefully step off the bike, and perform five burpees and 10 pushups. Return to the bike.
  • 1 minute: Easy spin.

Set 3: The Conditioning Set

  • 10 minutes, 85 rpm: Steady pedaling with low to moderate resistance.
Illustrations by: Kveta

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