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a woman holds forearm plank

Fit + Focused

By Maggie Fazeli Fard

Break through your fitness plateau and build upper-body strength with this tempo-based workout.

two people hold a v sit while working out

A Full-Body Partner Strength Circuit

By Molly Kopischke

Find a pal and work through this full-body strength circuit together.

a woman using a mini trampoline

How to Use a Mini-Trampoline

By Maggie Fazeli Fard

Channel your inner child and amp up your cardio with this low-impact, high-powered rebounder routine.

an ultra fit class

The Ultra Fit Challenge

By Experience Life Staff

This cutting-edge workout combines strength, cardio, and neurological training to challenge your body and brain through every stage of life.

Woman in triangle pose next to river

3 Moves to Stretch Your Inner Thighs

By Lauren Bedosky

Mobilize your adductors to improve pelvic positioning and protect against inner-knee and lower-back pain.

a woman performing water aerobics

The Pool Workout

By Lauren Bedosky

This water aerobics workout offers a strength-and-cardio challenge that’s gentle on your joints.

a man running

The Murph Challenge

By Maggie Fazeli Fard

This challenging workout — 100 pull-ups, 200 pushups, and 300 squats bookended by one-mile runs — is more popular than ever. World-record holder Alec Blenis talks about how to tailor it to your unique skill level.

a man performs a side lunge

The Racquet-Sport Workout

By Nancy Brenden

This off-court routine will improve your range of motion, joint stability, and overall racquet-sport performance.

a person holds their elbow

3 Moves to Relieve and Prevent Elbow Pain

By Lauren Bedosky

Tennis elbow doesn’t just affect tennis players. Stay pain-free with these wrist and forearm exercises.

a woman sits on a yoga mat with her legs extended in front and arms out to the side

The Stretching and Mobility Workout

By Andrew Heffernan

This head-to-toe routine will stretch your muscles, mobilize your joints, and leave you feeling fantastic in five minutes flat.

a man uses a rowing machine

The Indoor-Rowing Workout

By Andrew Heffernan

These three indoor-rowing workouts promise to propel your cardio fitness forward, no matter your level.

a woman perform the frog bridge

The 8-Week Glute-and-Hamstring Workout

By Maggie Fazeli Fard

Supercharge your strength, power, and overall resilience with this eight-week glute-and-hamstring program.

a woman holds crescent lunge

The Do-Anywhere Barre Workout

By Lauren Bedosky

This low-impact, body-weight workout builds stability and flexibility from head to toe.

colorful small bands

The Mini-Band Workout

By Lauren Bedosky

Learn how to use mini bands for a challenging and portable full-body strength workout.

a woman holding dumbbells overhead

The Tempo-Based Workout

By Andrew Heffernan

Get more out of your weightlifting efforts and break through plateaus with tempo training.

a man holds the various positions of stepping left, stepping right ab exercise

The Standing Ab Workout

By Andrew Heffernan

Tired of crunches? These six dynamic moves can build a strong, functional core.

a man performs the triangle

4 Rotational Stretches to Ease Back Tension

By Andrew Heffernan

Rotate your spine safely — and reduce back tension — with these four stretches.

a woman uses a rowing machine

The Chipper Workout

By Jennifer Blake

This high-volume workout will challenge your strength, conditioning, and mental stamina.

a woman stretches her neck

4 Trapezius Muscle Stretches to Relieve Pain

By Nicole Radziszewski

Improve your neck and shoulder comfort with these simple exercises.

woman cheering during during tennis game

How to Up Your Tennis Game — Without Stepping on the Court

By Nancy Brenden

Improve your range of motion, joint stability, and overall performance with this off-court workout.

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