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A man resting from training by lake

4 Downsides of Nonstop Training

By Alisa Bauman

Smart athletes understand the value of backing off once in a while. Here’s why.

A woman exhausted from a workout

4 Signs You Need to Stop Working Out

By Alisa Bauman

Here are four common ways your body is telling you it needs a break — plus, how to get back on track.

The Recovery Zone

By Alisa Bauman

You’re willing to push yourself, even when it hurts. But do you know when to back off — and why? If not, it may be time to give your body a break.

Two fitness personalities illustration

How to Find Your Fitness Edge and Achieve Your Body’s Full Potential

By Alisa Bauman

The motivational phrase “No pain, no gain” is as tired as it is inaccurate. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t push yourself to new limits and higher workout highs.

4 Signs You Need to Take a Fitness Break

By Alisa Bauman

You’re willing to push yourself, even when it hurts. You know how to tough it out, even when you’re tired. But do you know when to back off — and why? Here’s what all fitness buffs need to know about giving their bodies a break.

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