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legs get itchy when workout out

Q: When I run for longer than a few minutes, my legs and glutes start to get really itchy. Why does this happen, and what can I do to prevent it?

A: The most likely explanation for your itch is that you haven’t yet developed the proper circulatory “plumbing” to allow for the increased blood flow that occurs during running, says Scott Douglas, senior editor of Running Times and coauthor of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Running.

The prickly sensation stems from the temporarily inefficient blood flow as your muscles heat up.

Regular endurance training results in an increase in the size and number of capillaries, the tiny blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients between arteries and veins. The prickly sensation stems from the temporarily inefficient blood flow as your muscles heat up. While it’s uncomfortable, it’s not at all uncommon, and it’s nothing to worry about. Keep running regularly and soon your capillaries will grow in number and become more efficient, says Douglas, and you’ll no longer get the irritating itch. If you develop hives in addition to itchiness, however, see your health practitioner about the possibility of an allergy.

Jen Sinkler

Jen Sinkler, PCC, RKC-II, is a fitness writer and personal trainer based in Minneapolis. Her website is

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