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How can you tell if you are suffering from toxic overload? There are many warning signs – but often we tend to ignore or misunderstand them.

These are the most common:

  1. Bloating, nausea, indigestion and a furred tongue (signs of an overloaded liver).
  2. Coughing, catarrh (inflamed mucous membranes), runny nose or constant sneezing, clogged sinuses (signs the lungs are under strain).
  3. Dark-colored, cloudy, scanty or strong-smelling urine; pain during urination (signs your kidneys may be stressed).
  4. Constipation, gas, wind, bad breath and, eventually, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or colitis (signs of an overloaded digestive system).
  5. Frequent colds and flu; tiredness; puffiness; dark circles under eyes; sores that are slow to heal (signs of a lymphatic system under stress).
  6. Cellulite; congested, blotchy skin; blackheads, whiteheads or pimples
  7. Sensitivities to additives or particular foods can also trigger: asthma, eczema, digestive problems, joint pain, insomnia, headaches, migraines, sore gums and mouth ulcers, tiredness, irritability, depression and anxiety; PMS; palpitations; high or low blood pressure; chest pains; low libido; aching muscles.

This was excerpted from “Clean Sweep” which was published in the March/April 2002 issue of Experience Life magazine.

Jane Alexander

Jane Alexander is the author of over 20 books on natural health and holistic living, including Detox for Mind Body Spirit and The Five Minute Healer.

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