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Person on a yoga mat in a yoga studio

As you go about you day-to-day, it can be easy to take your physical health for granted. You’re not often thinking about the muscles and bones that carry you from place to place or the organs that keep you functioning. But when you stop and take a moment to reflect, there’s good reason to give thanks for all the systems and processes that keep you alive.

One way you can do this: Take time to care for your body. Gratitude is often associated with mindfulness, so carving out time in your schedule to move and be present can help lead you toward those positive emotions. Plus, exercising serves as a reminder of what your body can do, and supports it in continuing to work at its best for you.

If you’re seeking more gratefulness, keep one of these mantras in mind during your next workout — then consider trying one of the suggested classes that will help nurture even more of that feeling in the days ahead.

1. “I’m grateful for all that my body can do.”

Whether you’re just starting out or have been crushing fitness goals for a while, strength training is a great way to take notice of your body’s progress and capabilities. The next time you take a strength class, try choosing a slightly heavier weight or counting out an extra rep or two. Notice the progress you make and thank your body for getting stronger.

Class suggestions:

Barbell Strength is a foundational strength class that focuses on the proper mechanics of weightlifting using iron grip barbell equipment to improve muscular endurance.

Alpha is a signature group training class that blends Olympic-style lifting with metabolic conditioning to maximize muscular and cardiovascular endurance.

2. “I’m grateful for the time and space to recover and relax.”

Another way to show thankfulness to your body is by giving yourself an opportunity for recovery. At Life Time, many yoga classes end with a metta meditation (or lovingkindness meditation) to help encourage more positive emotions, including gratitude. Being intentional with your breath throughout class, as you do in yoga, can help you focus on and calm your mind.

Class suggestion:

SURRENDER Yoga involves performing a series of passive poses and stretches that are held for several minutes. The class is designed to create greater mobility in the joints while challenging the stillness of the mind.

3. “I’m grateful for that post-workout feeling.”

During exercise, oxygen and blood flow increase throughout the body and there is a release of endorphins — often referred to as the “feel-good hormone” because it helps reduce pain, discomfort, and stress. Completing a workout can also give you a feeling of accomplishment as you’re working toward your healthy-living goals.

Learn more: “Expert Answers: Why Do I Feel So Good After a Workout?

Class suggestion:

AMP Cycle — often described as “a party on a bike” — is a cycle class that’s choreographed to heart-pumping music. The fun, colorful lighting will keep you energized and moving so you can feel that endorphin rush.

4. “I’m grateful for a supportive healthy-living community.”

No matter what class you choose, working out in a group tends to keep you more motivated and can hold you accountable to getting your movement in. People who are active in fitness communities often find they reach goals faster than they might on their own.

Learn more: “The Power of Working Out in a Group

Class suggestion:

Any fitness class can help you connect with a healthy-living community. Find the one that best suits your spirit and your goals: “The Ultimate Guide to Life Time Classes

Emily Ewen

Emily Ewen is a senior writer and content editor at Life Time.

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