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a dad and two kids work out in their living room

At-home workouts are often a solo adventure. But extending your sweat session to include a spouse or partner, children, or roommates can challenge your own routine while also helping you bond with loved ones, says Nick Errato, regional manager for Life Time Kids.

Errato, who’s run sport and fitness clinics for adults and kids for 25 years, knows firsthand how rewarding it can be to get moving together: He and six of his children, ranging in age from 6 to 15, recently felt the need to work off some energy. So they brainstormed creative ways to get moving, and the following eight-station circuit was born.

The exercises are designed to be performed in an interval format, with one minute spent at each station. Split the work–rest intervals into 45 seconds working out and 15 seconds resting, or 30 seconds working out and 30 seconds resting. Do as many good-form reps as possible per exercise, moving from one station to the next at the top of each minute. Complete up to five total rounds at all eight stations.

“Switching exercises helps keep kids engaged and excited,” says Errato. “The variety of movements adds up to a complete workout, including cardio, core, speed, strength, coordination, endurance, and balance.”

The Workout

Station 1

Star Jumps

illustration of a man doing star jumps
  • Starting with your feet together and knees bent, crouch down with your hands at your toes.
  • Jump up into the air, spreading your arms and legs out wide into a star shape, then land back in the starting crouched position.
  • Repeat for the duration of the interval.
  • Bonus points if you yell “I’m a star!” with each jump, says Errato.

“This was my favorite station because I got to be silly and yell,” says Deacon, 6.

Station 2

Squat Jumps

illustration of a boy performing squat jumps
  • Start with your feet shoulder width apart and legs straight, with your weight in your heels.
  • Bend your knees and lower yourself down until your legs are at about a 90-degree angle, then jump up into the air, squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement.
  • Land as softly as you can before resetting and starting again.
  • Repeat for the duration of the interval.
  • Make it easier: Take out the jump and perform body-weight squats for the duration of the interval.

“I liked the squat jumps because we got to jump a lot, which is a fun way to work out,” says Mia, 14.

Station 3


illustration of running between cones
  • Draw two chalk lines about 20 yards apart or set up other markers of your choosing; the distance can be whatever works with your outdoor space.
  • When the time starts, run or sprint back and forth between the two markers as many times as you can for the duration of the interval.

“Running back and forth was really cool. It’s going to make me super fast,” says Dominic, 7.

Station 4

Flutter Kicks

illustration of a flutter kicks
  • Start by lying on your back with your hands at your sides. Lift your feet off the ground about 5 to 6 inches high and alternate kicking your feet in the air.
  • If you feel your lower back begin to arch, lower your feet an inch or two until your back is flush with the ground again.
  • Hold the plank or continue kicking for the duration of the interval.
  • Alternatively, hold a plank for the duration of the interval: Assume the top position of a pushup, with your hands and toes on the ground and your body forming a straight line from head to heels.
  • Imagine that the backs of your knees and the space between your shoulders are being pulled toward the sky with a string.

“I liked the abs station because there were different variations to strengthen your core,” says Valerie, 13.

Station 5

Jumping Jacks

illustration of woman performing a jumping jack

Choose between regular standing jumping jacks and the “extreme” version, which combines standing and plank jacks. Stick to one of the moves within a single round, but feel free to switch between rounds.

  • Stand with your feet together and your arms by your sides.
  • Jump both of your feet out a little wider than shoulder width apart while simultaneously bringing your arms over your head.
  • Bring your arms back down and jump your feet back together to return to your starting position.

Make the move harder with extreme jumping jacks:

  • Complete the same exercise above, but after returning to your starting position, squat down low to the ground.
  • Plant your hands in front of you and jump your feet back into a plank position.
  • Jump your hands and feet (or, for added balance, just your feet) out wide from your body.
  • Jump your hands and feet back to a plank position, jump or step your feet back toward your hands, and stand up into your starting position.
  • Repeat for the duration of the interval.

“The extreme jumping jacks were hard but awesome,” says Vanessa, 15.

Station 6


illustration of a boy doing fitness hops
  • Draw a line on the ground with chalk or lay down a jump rope or piece of string.
  • With both feet together facing the line, hop lightly over and across the line, then hop backward across it again to your starting position.
  • Continue hopping forward and back for the duration of the interval.
  • Mix it up by doing side-to-side hops, jumping in a four-cornered box shape, or hopping on a single leg, switching sides halfway through. The goal is to keep hopping for the total length of time.

“Personally, I liked the hops best,” says Errato. “I do the four-cornered-box version, and it really gets my heart rate up.”

Station 7

In and Out

illustration of in and outs around cones
  • Use 10 nonbreakable cups, aluminum cans, cones, or other markers of your choosing. Set them up in a straight line, leaving about 2 feet between each one.
  • Run, weaving in and out between each marker down the row.
  • When you get to the end, run backward the way you came.
  • Continue for the duration of the exercise.
  • For variation, try shuffling right and left around the markers or hopping back and forth on one foot at a time.

“My favorite station was going in and out of the cups. It will help my speed and agility for soccer,” says Cruz, 12.

Station 8


illustration of a burpee
  • Stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides.
  • Bend your knees, squat down low, and place your hands on the ground shoulder width apart in front of you.
  • Hop your feet out behind you in a plank position.
  • Add an optional pushup here if you’d like an extra challenge.
  • Hop your feet back in toward your hands, then jump straight up into the air and bring your hands up over your head.
  • Land back in standing position and squat down low again to reset the exercise in one fluid motion.
  • Repeat for the duration of the interval.

Perfect your burpee with these tips at “How to Do a Burpee“.

“No surprise, but no one chose the burpees as their favorite,” says Errato. “They’re a full-body, effective movement for a reason!”

Lindsey Frey Palmquist
Lindsey Frey Palmquist

Lindsey Frey Palmquist is a health and wellness writer.

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