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Barbara Powell and Brie Vortherms

An Integrative Approach to Mental Well-Being

With Brie Vortherms, MA, LMFT and Barbara Powell, MA
Season 8, Episode 8

Learn why taking an integrative approach to mental well-being can be a productive route to a more optimal state of mental-well-being, and gain tangible ideas for different practices and modalities that can help you feel and function better.

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A woman lying down and breathing with her hands on her chest.

Breathe in Gratitude

By Life Time

An 8-minute guided meditation to bring awareness to what you’re grateful for.

person laughing and Barbara photo

How Do I Rest — Really? Understanding the 7 Types of Rest

With Barbara Powell, MA, NBC-HWC
Season 7, Episode 13

Rest is essential to our health and wellness, yet it often gets pushed to the side in favor of other things that require our time and attention. Importantly, it’s not just physical rest we need: There are six other types that contribute to our overall well-being.

In this episode, Barbara Powell, MA, NBC-HWC, joins us to first explain the signs and symptoms of under-rest to watch for. She then delves into the seven versions of rest we need, and for each, the micro, macro, and habitual ways we can get more rest so we can perform better and live life more fully.

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Smiling child

How to Help Kids Manage Stress

By Emily Ewen

Mental health experts offer tips for spotting signs of stress in children, along with healthy ways to help them cope. Plus, discover three mindfulness exercises for the whole family.

Person holding their temples during a mindful moment

5 Techniques for Managing Stress in the Moment

By Brie Vortherms, MA, LMFT

Try these quick exercises for immediate support during stressful times.

life time talks self care

What Is Self-Care, Really?

With Brie Vortherms, MA, LMFT, and Barbara Powell, MA
Season 6, Episode 2

“Self-care” is a term that gets tossed around a lot, but what is self-care, really? In this episode, Brie Vortherms, MA, LMFT, and Barbara Powell, MA, of Life Time Mind talk about it in a way that may be new to you — and explain why they think it should be rebranded as “performance recovery.” They share the 12 types of self-care and three categories of ways to integrate it into our lives so we can better support our health and well-being.

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Smiling woman holds a child in a snowy outdoor scene

Merry and Mindful: How to Navigate the Holidays — Stressors and All

By Emily Ewen

A Q&A with a Life Time MindCoach on handling the seasonal challenges that arise, reducing stress, and coping with loss and grief.

A woman with her arms outstretched, eyes closed, looking at peace outside.

From Status Quo to Flow: A 3-Minute Guided Visualization

By Barbara Powell, MA, NBC–HWC

Use this mental exercise to focus on areas of your life where you feel like you’re processing change or encountering challenge.

A woman writing in a journal in her bedroom.

Building Mental Resilience: 4 Solution-Focused Exercises

By Jen Elmquist, MA, LMFT

Learn how to focus on solutions rather than problems in Part Three of this three-part series.

A woman smiling, basking in the sun.

Building Mental Resilience: 5 Thought-Shifting Exercises

By Jen Elmquist, MA, LMFT

Learn how to control your inner conversation and maintain a steady mental state in Part Two of this three-part series.

a woman sits on a couch with her eyes closed

Building Mental Resilience: 6 Mind-Body Grounding Exercises

By Jen Elmquist, MA, LMFT

Learn how to reduce your body’s stress response in Part One of this three-part series.

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