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man doing jumping exercise movements

Whether you’re a fitness fanatic or simply looking for new ways to move, plyometric work (a.k.a. jumping) is a great way to build your fitness. It can improve cardiovascular health, strength, balance, coordination, and more.

In honor of leap year — that once in every four years occasion when we have a February 29 — I created this plyometric workout to add a little lift to this extra day. Use it to jump-start your fitness journey or give your current routine a boost that takes you through leap day and beyond. (Not quite ready for the full workout? Try incorporating one or two of these moves into each of your workouts throughout the week.)

The 5-Minute Warm-Up

Before starting any workout, it’s important to prime your muscles to prevent injury and prepare your body for more high-impact movements. For this warm-up, complete the following exercises 10 reps at a time before moving onto the next. Continue the circuit until five minutes is up.

  • Light bodyweight jump squats — 10 reps
  • Bodyweight alternating reverse lunges — 10 per leg
  • Your choice of dynamic stretches such as high knees and body walkouts — 10 reps

The Workout

This workout incorporates a series of exercises to increase your heart rate and build lower-body strength. Using a work-to-rest ratio, perform each exercise for 40 seconds and then take 20 seconds to rest and transition to your next exercise. (Feel free to adjust the work-to-rest ratio based on your current fitness level.)

After completing the flow of all five movements, take a full one-minute rest. Repeat the entire circuit four times. The workout should take about 20 minutes in total.

1. Leap Frog Jumps

Leap frog jumps can improve your agility and coordination. They’re challenging because they require you to travel with the movement and land with control.

  • Start in a squat position, then explode upward into a jump as you propel yourself forward.
  • Land softly and immediately drop back into a squat before jumping again.
  • Continue for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds.

2. Star Jumps

This explosive movement requires you to execute timing and coordination with your arms and legs while also incorporating controlled power.

  • Begin in a standing position with your feet together and your arms by your sides.
  • Jump up explosively, spreading your legs wide and raising your arms spread above your head to form a star shape.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat.
  • Continue for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds.

3. Box Jumps

Box jumps build power in your lower body thanks to the explosiveness, vertical leap, and athletic capacity that are required to get you up on that box or platform.

  • Find a sturdy box or platform and stand in front of it. (If you’ve never done box jumps, start with a low box and work your way up as you build strength and confidence.)
  • Lower into a quarter squat, then jump onto the box, landing with both feet planted fully on the box.
  • Step back down and immediately jump back up onto the box.
  • Continue for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds.

4. Skater Jumps

Skater jumps are great for building coordination, leg strength, and balance. Working in a lateral plane of motion requires an awareness of how you move your body in a space.

  • Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart.
  • Jump to the right, landing on your right foot while crossing your left leg behind you.
  • Then, jump to the left, landing on your left foot while crossing your right leg behind you.
  • Continue for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds.

5. Jump Rope

Jumping rope is a great way to incorporate consistent jumping into your workout while improving coordination and challenging your overall cardiovascular endurance.

  • Grab a jump rope and stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
  • Jump rope continuously for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds.

The 5- to 10-Minute Cool Down

After completing this circuit, it’s important to cool down and stretch your muscles to support recovery and flexibility. Perform static stretches for your legs and hips, focusing on areas that feel tight or fatigued. Finally, take a bow for completing your leap year jump-inspired workout.

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David Freeman Bio Photo
David Freeman

David Freeman, CPT, CCP, PES is the National Director of Alpha and the co-host of the Life Time Talks podcast.

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