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David Freeman performing a dual kettlebell front squat.

Known for its use of Olympic weightlifting and calisthenics, there’s no other class or program at Life Time that focuses on the power of strength quite like Alpha, one of our four signature group training formats.

But Alpha is not just focused on physical strength: It also offers a mindset component for pushing yourself to your next personal best, alongside others who are doing the same. With every movement, Alpha athletes make their bodies and their minds stronger.

Alpha programming also features movements designed to increase function in your everyday life. The movements featured here, for example, will have you hinging, lunging, squatting, pushing, pulling, and rotating — all things we do daily.

“In Alpha, we want our athletes to become stronger in their lifts, more efficient in their energy systems, and establish better healthy ways of living in their everyday lives,” says David Freeman, director of Alpha at Life Time. “These movements yield simplicity and functionality, which supports the intent of our programming to elevate longevity and vitality so you can long continue to do the things you love.”

Try these movements and see if you feel that heightened sense of inner strength after completing. “If you enjoy this workout and haven’t tried our signature Alpha format yet, then I’d encourage you to come and unlock your own inner Alpha athlete the next time you’re at the club,” invites Freeman.

Hang Power Clean

  • Stand with your feet hip width apart and grab a barbell with an overhand grip, hands just wider than shoulder width apart. Slightly bend your knees as you push your hips backward, letting your shins touch the bar; stick your chest out to keep your back straight. This is your starting position.
  • Lift the bar while maintaining contact with your legs until it reaches either a high hang (bar slightly above your knees) or low hang (bar slightly below your knees) position. This is your first pull.
  • You will now perform your second pull: Shift your hips back slightly as you lower the bar toward your knees, then powerfully extend your ankles, knees, and hips into a triple extension with the bar by elevating your shoulders and raising your elbows as high as possible; this allows the momentum to move the bar upward to shoulder height.
  • Once the bar reaches shoulder height, quickly rotate your elbows under the bar so they’re about parallel to the floor; this allows you to receive the bar at shoulder height in a front-rack position. Your hands should be in an underhand position, with the bar moving from the middle of your hand to the middle of your fingers.
  • As you catch the bar at shoulder height, perform however deep of a squat is necessary to receive the load and completely stop the momentum of the bar and establish your balance in a strong position. Stand up completely.
  • Lower back to the high hang position

Dual Kettlebell Front Squat

  • Position two kettlebells in a front-rack position so that the bells are actively resting on your biceps and forearms while you’re holding onto the handle. Maintain good posture, specifically keeping tension in your mid- and upper back.
  • Maintain the front-rack position, keep your elbows high, take a deep breath, and lower yourself into a squat by simultaneously pushing your hips back and bending your knees.
  • Once your thighs are about parallel to the floor, reverse the movement to return to the starting position. Keep your abs active and drive your feet through the floor.


  • Start with your hands on a pull-up bar approximately shoulder width apart, palms facing forward.
  • With your arms extended above you, create a hollow position with your body by engaging your core; this will prevent arching in your back. This is your starting position.
  • Pull yourself up toward the bar, activating your lats until the bar is at chin level. Exhale at the top of the movement.
  • Inhale as you slowly lower yourself back to the starting position.

Learn more: “How to Get Your First Pull-Up

Double Unders

  • Position a jump rope behind your heels, holding the handles.
  • Keeping your core braced, shoulders down, and elbows close to your body, turn the rope over your head toward the front of your body and jump to let it pass underneath your feet.
  • Instead of jumping, think of bouncing on the balls of your feet so you have a rhythmic jump that matches the tempo of the rope’s speed turning over. Once you have the rhythm, continue rotating your wrists so that the rope passes under your feet a second time before you land.
  • Return your feet to the ground to complete the rep.

Bulgarian Split Squats

  • Place a step or a box behind you and stand up tall. Hold a kettlebell in each hand, letting your harms hang straight at your sides.
  • Take three heel-to-toe steps away from the box.
  • Position your right foot on top of the box, bend your knees, and lower your hips until your front thigh is about parallel to the floor. While lowering into the lunge, be sure the shin of your back leg is traveling toward the box to get better glute activation.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat. Perform reps on both sides, continuing the same flow of movement.
Molly Schelper
Molly Kopischke

Molly Kopischke is the director of content strategy at Life Time.

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Three people doing a kettlebell squat in a fitness class.

Signature Group Training

Individualized attention. Progressive programming. A supportive community. GTX, Alpha and Ultra Fit are structured workouts led by nationally-certified personal trainers.

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