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Exercise Sets x Reps
Dumbbell Kickstand Romanian Deadlift 2 sets x 5 reps
Dumbbell Floor Press 2 sets x 5 reps
Dumbbell Bent Over Row 2 sets x 5 reps
Hand-to-Hand Dumbbell Swing 1 set x 20 to 50 reps
Plank With Shoulder Tap 1 set x 5 reps per side

Perform the movements in order.
Complete all sets and reps per movement before moving on to the next.

The Finer Points

Choose your weight conservatively — a weight you can lift for the prescribed number of reps with some effort but minimal fatigue. You should never miss a rep on this program. You are far from lifting to failure.

Advance slowly. When the weight you chose at the beginning of the program becomes truly easy — and not until then — increase it by 5 or 10 pounds.

Stick to these moves for the easy-strength days over the course of the month. Unless a movement is causing you pain, don’t change it.

Vary the power work. You can perform the 20 to 50 reps of the explosive move however you wish: in sets of five, 10, 15, 20 — or in one long set with excellent form.

Go easy on the core work. Perform each set with focus and superb form. Don’t overdo it with extra weight or by adding additional core work.

Dumbbell Kickstand Romanian Deadlift

Perform 2 sets x 5 reps each leg.
Rest for about 2 minutes between sets.

Full Instructions
  • Hold a medium-heavy dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet hip width apart.
  • Step one foot directly back so the toes are in line with or slightly behind the heel of the forward leg. Rest the toes gently on the floor for balance with the heel of the back foot slightly lifted. For this move, your back foot will act as a kickstand to maintain balance but should not support your weight.
  • With a soft bend in the forward knee and your weight forward on that front foot, hinge at the hips, keeping your front shin vertical. Avoid bending the front knee further as you hinge.
  • Reverse the motion, driving your hips forward and up until they are fully extended and in line with your shoulders. Be sure not to push your hips forward in front of your shoulders.
  • Do five reps before repeating the movement on the opposite side.

Dumbbell Floor Press

Perform 2 sets x 5 reps.
Rest for about 2 minutes between sets.

Full Instructions
  • Lie on the floor with your knees bent, feet planted, and a medium-heavy dumbbell in each hand.
  • Keeping your wrists straight and elbows pointed roughly 45 degrees out from your body, press the dumbbells straight up over your chest.
  • Reverse the movement, lowering the weight with control until the backs of your arms touch the floor.

Dumbbell Bent Over Row

Perform 2 sets x 5 reps.
Rest for about two minutes between sets.

Full Instructions
  • Hold a medium-heavy dumbbell in each hand and hinge forward at your hips, sending your glutes behind you. Allow your arms to hang in front of you, with wrists straight and elbows extended.
  • Engage your core, squeeze your shoulder blades together, and bend your elbows to lift the weights toward your hips.
  • Pause for a moment before reversing the movement, lowering the dumbbells with control until your arms are fully extended.
  • Maintain the hip hinge and engaged core as you perform five reps. Rest for about two minutes between sets.

Hand-to-Hand Dumbbell Swing

Perform 1 set x 20 to 50 reps.
Rest for about two minutes between sets.

Full Instructions
  • Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, hold a medium-heavy dumbbell in one hand in front of your waist, using an overhand grip.
  • With your core engaged and lower back flat, hinge forward at the hips and quickly “hike” the dumbbell backward, high between your legs.
  • Reverse the movement by forcefully driving your hips forward. Contract your glutes to come to standing as the dumbbell swings out in front of you.
  • At its highest position — in this case no higher than your nose — the dumbbell should feel weightless. At this apex, pass the weight to your other hand.
  • Keeping your core engaged and your lower back flat, without stopping, hinge at the hips and push the dumbbell between your legs, now with the opposite hand.
  • Repeat for 20 to 50 reps, passing the dumbbell from hand to hand at the top of each rep.

Plank With Shoulder Tap

Perform 1 set x 5 reps per side.
Rest for about two minutes between sets.

Full Instructions
  • Start in a high plank position with your hands under your shoulders, feet slightly wider than hip width, and core engaged.
  • Lift one hand and tap the opposite-side shoulder, making sure you don’t rotate your pelvis as you lift.
  • Return the lifted hand to the ground.
  • Repeat the move, this time tapping your other hand to the opposite-side shoulder.
  • Continue alternating sides as you perform five reps per side.
  • Pregress this move by setting your feet wider than hip width apart or by dropping your knees to the floor.
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