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The following supersets are designed to be done in five-minute blocks.

⋅ 5-minute workout: Perform Superset A for 3 rounds.
⋅ 10-minute workout: Add on Superset B for 3 rounds after resting for 1 minute.
⋅ 15-minute workout: Add on Superset C for 3 rounds after resting for 1 minute.

In all supersets, each work-to-rest interval is a total of 50 seconds: 25 seconds of work, followed by 25 seconds of rest.

Superset A

Exercise Duration
Kick Squat 25 seconds
Rest 25 seconds
Eccentric Pushup 25 seconds
Rest 25 seconds

5-minute workout: Perform Superset A for 3 rounds.
 10-minute workout: Rest for 1 minute after completing Superset A. Add on Superset B for 3 rounds.

Superset B

Exercise Duration
Sliding Reverse Lunge 25 seconds
Rest 25 seconds
Pledge Plank 25 seconds
Rest 25 seconds

⊗ 15-minute workout: Rest for 1 minute after completing Superset B. Add on Superset C for 3 rounds.

Superset C

Exercise Duration
Alternating Lateral Lunge 25 seconds
Rest 25 seconds
Sliding Mountain Climber 25 seconds
Rest 25 seconds

Superset A

squat to kick

Kick Squat

Perform for 25 seconds.

Full Instructions
  • Stand with your feet at about hip width or slightly wider.
  • Push your hips backward and bend your knees to lower into a squat. Go as low as you can without letting your butt tuck under. Keep your core engaged and your torso as upright as possible.
  • At the bottom of the squat, shift your weight onto your right foot.
  • Rise to standing on your right foot. Simultaneously kick your left foot forward, extending your right leg.
  • Return your left foot to the ground and sink back into a squat.
  • Repeat, this time kicking your right foot. Continue alternating sides for the duration of the work interval.

Make it harder: Substitute with squat jumps.
Make it easier: Substitute with body-weight squats.

Rest for 25 seconds, then perform the next exercise.

eccentric pushup

Eccentric Pushup

Perform for 25 seconds.

Full Instructions
  • Start in a high plank position with your hands under your shoulders, arms straight, feet together, and core engaged.
  • Bend your elbows and slowly lower your body all the way to the floor on a count of four. Your elbows should point slightly backward at about a 45-degree angle.
  • Push your hips and shoulders back to sit back on your heels.
  • Walk your hands out to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the duration of the work interval.

Make it easier: Substitute with hand-walkout to forearm front plank: Standing, place your hands on the ground and walk them forward until you are in a plank position. From there, perform one pushup, then walk your hands back to your feet. Repeat.
Make it harder: Substitute with regular pushups.

Rest for 25 seconds, then perform the first exercise of Superset A.

Complete 3 rounds.

For a 10-minute workout, perform Superset A for 3 rounds. Rest 1 minute. Then perform Superset B for 3 rounds.

Superset B

sliding reverse lunge

Sliding Reverse Lunge

Perform for 25 seconds.

Full Instructions
  • Stand with feet slightly wider than hip width, your left foot on a small towel or gliding disc. Shift your weight onto your right foot.
  • Slide your left foot back and lower into a lunge, aiming to bring your left knee to the floor. Don’t let your right knee go past your big toe.
  • Drive your right foot into the ground to return to standing, sliding your left foot back to the starting position.
  • Repeat on this side for half the duration of the work interval. Then switch sides for the remaining time.

Make it easier: Substitute with nonsliding reverse lunges.
Make it harder: Substitute with alternating jumping (plyometric) lunges.

Rest for 25 seconds, then perform the next exercise.

pledge camp, aka shoulder tap plank

Pledge Plank

Perform for 25 seconds.

Full Instructions
  • Start in a plank position with your hands under your shoulders, feet slightly wider than hip width, and core engaged.
  • Lift your left hand and tap your right shoulder. Make sure not to rotate your pelvis as you lift.
  • Return your left hand to the ground.
  • Repeat, this time tapping your right hand to your left shoulder. Alternate sides for the duration of the work interval.

Make it easier: Hold a static plank, either on your hands or elbows.
Make it harder: Bring your feet closer together. Hold each shoulder tap for a count of three.

Rest for 25 seconds, then perform the first exercise of Superset B.

Complete 3 rounds.

⊗ For a 15-minute workout, rest for 1 minute. Then perform Superset C for 3 rounds.

Superset C

alternating lateral lunge

Alternating Lateral Lunge

Perform for 25 seconds.

Full Instructions
  • Stand with your feet at hip width and arms relaxed at your sides.
  • Take a wide step to your right and place your right foot so that it is in line with your left foot, your toes continuing to face forward. Shift your weight into your right heel and midfoot and push your right hip directly back. Keep hips and shoulders square, and your torso as upright as possible.
  • Push off with your right foot to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat by alternating sides for the duration of the work interval.

Make it easier: Perform lateral lunges on one side for half the duration of the work interval. Then switch sides for the remainder of the time.
Make it harder: Perform alternating skater jumps.

Rest for 25 seconds, then perform the next exercise.

sliding mountain climber

Sliding Mountain Climber

Perform for 25 seconds.

Full Instructions
  • Place a sliding disc or small towel under each foot. Move into a high plank with your hands under your shoulders, feet at hip width, and core engaged.
  • Draw your right knee forward, pulling the sliding disc.
  • Simultaneously return your right foot to the starting position as you bring your left knee forward.
  • Quickly alternate sides for the duration of the work interval.

Make it easier: Substitute with alternating knee to chest taps, without the sliding discs.
Make it harder: Substitute with body saw to pike: Start in a forearm front plank with gliders or towels under your feet. Slide your body forward and backward in a sawing motion. Then push up to your hands and pull your legs (keeping them straight) to your chest into a pike. Extend your legs to return to pushup plank position, come back down to forearms, and repeat from beginning with body saw.

Rest for 25 seconds, then perform the first exercise of this Superset.

Complete 3 rounds.

Illustrations by: Kveta

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