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Coach Anika Lean and Tone

The next Coach Anika Lean + Tone Program begins in…

Register below for the next Coach Anika Lean + Tone Program kicking off on May 13.

Coach Anika Lean and Tone
Lean and Tone Registration

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Join my proven 21-day nutrition and workout plan.

If you’re new to working out or feel like you’re doing everything right with your workouts and nutrition, but not seeing results — I’d like to invite you to join the Lean + Tone program.

I’m Coach Anika, and as a registered dietitian, personal trainer and wellness coach, I created the Lean + Tone program to model the protocol that has worked for thousands of my personal clients to lose weight and inches. It outlines exactly what to eat and how to exercise effectively and efficiently.

The best part? It sets a healthy foundation for the long run.

In this free 3-week online program, you’ll experience what it’s like to be coached by me 3 days a week — without having to meet in-person. It includes:

  • Weekly educational videos and motivational emails from me
  • Access to my team of coaches for guidance and support
  • A downloadable guide with recipes such as Pizza Topping Lasagna and Secret Ingredient Brownies that the whole family will love
  • 3-week dumbbell exercise plan that can be done at home or at the club
  • Exclusive class participant pricing on the Lean + Tone kit to support metabolism and workout recovery (encouraged, but not required)

We kick off May 13.

Who should join?

Most who join are looking to lose inches and weight. The program is designed to boost success whether you’re brand new to the fitness and nutrition world or are in a routine and just not seeing the results you’ve been hoping for.

How does it work?

Sign up with your first name and email. You’ll immediately receive all the info you’ll need to get started, including a downloadable nutrition and exercise guide and email access to the coaching team. When the program kicks off, you’ll also receive motivational emails and videos to support you throughout the 21 days.

What are the expected results?

In this program, we measure results by inches lost. On average, participants report losing anywhere from 5 to 7 inches from the waist, hips, buttocks, upper arms, and thighs. Although we don’t focus on the scale, most report a 3 to 7 pound weight loss and that clothes feel and look better.


“I definitely feel much better than before. This was a little easier to follow than the detox program, and I loved the exercises that were included. I just feel better when I’m only putting good things into my body and working out with good exercises. My clothes fit better and my coworkers are really noticing a difference!” 

“I loved how accessible this program was. The workouts were easy — I could easily do them at home, which was important given unpredictable weather. The shakes are a delicious meal I looked forward to. The main take away was how I felt better with consistent workouts and clean eating.” 

“I liked the set-up of the program. Easy to follow. Did use the All-in-One protein shakes and Life Greens (mocha) great for a sweet tooth. Reminded me of cappuccino coffee which I love. The recipes, smoothies and snacks were a great idea to help with meals. The exercises were great. Did help me to start losing weight again and tone more.” 

“I started the program as a way to motivate myself to incorporate more weights into my workouts. Losing inches would also be a good thing! In retrospect, I think the thing that helped me most was that I developed a better understanding of how a personal trainer puts together a basic workout, then tailors it to the individual – making it more challenging as fitness improves. I lost a few inches despite enjoying a few dinners out and missing a few workouts. I also got some positive reinforcement during my annual physical, which just happened to coincide with the last week of the program. Finally, I have a new favorite healthy meal in the Creamy Tomato Soup with Turkey Meatballs. I adapted the recipe from the meal plan to make it a one-dish meal that is ready in 45 minutes with an Instant Pot and added fresh spinach for an extra veggie serving. Living a healthy lifestyle is an ongoing process. The Lean + Tone program is a great way to learn more about finding your own way to healthy.” 

“After only just a few days of the Lean + Tone program, it was amazing how good I felt. I signed up for the Lean + Tone program in hopes of being a jump start to a lackluster workout routine and not-so-healthy all the time diet. Over just the 3 weeks, I noted a loss of about 3 inches overall, which I think is amazing. It is definitely helpful to see some type of improvement to keep you motivated. I have become much more conscious of the food and quantity of food I am putting in my body. This has been very helpful when going out to restaurants and looking more closely at the items on the menu and finding the better options available. The workouts provided were very easy to follow and I plan to incorporate into my work out routine. I look forward to taking what I have learned and continuing to put to use.” 

“I was easily able to stick to the meal plans because I followed your advice and did the prep work on Sundays. I would have never had time during the week to do that. I did not see any results until the end of week 3. I lost 4 pounds in the 3 weeks. I also lost 1” off my chest, 1.5” off my waist and 1.5” off my hips. I have been working out consistently with a personal trainer for about 1 year but found week 2 and week 3 exercises quite challenging. I was definitely sweating and sore. I have continued the plan for an additional 3 weeks. I cannot imagine not starting my day with a protein shake. I add some collagen peptides to the protein and plant greens and prep that the night before so I can just throw it all in the blender. I don’t think I would have been as successful without the food prep. I am just too busy to get that done during the week. Thanks for a great program.”  

“I loved the Lean + Tone Program! After completing the D.TOX program earlier this year, I was looking for something to help me continue the healthy habits that I started to develop. With a 6-month-old and a 4-year-old, I needed something that would be easy to work into my schedule. The morning shake was my favorite part of the program! I plan to continue this well after the program ends. The recipe suggestions were easy and FAST. Bonus points for being so good that my 4-year-old even loved them. I also really liked the structure of the workouts. I felt like it was possible to get in a really good workout without having to spend hours in the gym. I’m looking forward to continuing the Lean + Tone program!” 

“The Lean + Tone Program was a great way for me to focus on fitness, especially the nutrition aspect. As we all know, weight loss happens in the kitchen, but looking and feeling toned is affected SO much by our diet. The program has an easy to follow meal plan (and DELICIOUS) that took away bloating, and the exercise plan was easily done at home if I couldn’t make it to the club that day. I love how Anika checks in weekly and is available to answer questions.” 

“This was a great program for me to jump-start my commitment of refocusing on ME.. Having a detailed plan for each day, both nutrition and workouts, was very helpful. Eliminating dairy (one of the non-negotiables) uncovered an underlying sensitivity, and after years of not being sure what was going on, I think I’ve figured it out…and am largely feeling better than ever. Focusing on metrics other than weight was also a plus. I am continuing the daily shakes, some of the non-negotiables, and the weekly measurements. Thank you for putting this program together so thoughtfully. It really is a good one.” 

“When I initially saw the Lean + Tone program, the first thing I thought was how simple this program would be to follow. And for me, that is HUGE because I work full time and I need simple. The Non-Negotiable list went right on the front of my fridge! The grocery list was wonderful and helped me prepare for the week. I also liked the recommendations on which foods to batch cook so when I got home late and was hungry I could have food ready in minutes.  While I did not lose a lot of pounds during the 3-week program, I did lose several inches in my hips and waist. I signed up for the next L+T session and am continuing to follow the program.”  

“I’ve always been a very active person. Growing up I swam, played basketball and softball. But once I graduated high school and stopped playing sports, I realized that I needed to stay active if I wanted to look the way I looked in high school. So my mom put me on her membership at LT and I fell in love. I loved being able to make up my own workouts and having any machine I wanted to use was great. This was four years ago, and I was a healthy, fit girl who loved to binge eat ice cream and chocolate. Fast forward three years, I am still that girl, but I have hit a plateau and I can’t find anything that helps me. When my mom asked if I wanted to try the Lean + Tone program, I was hesitant at first because I didn’t want to try something and not have it work again. I was tired of not seeing any results. But let me say after three weeks of strict meal plans and tripling the amount of protein I was getting in my diet, I feel AMAZING! There are no other words to describe it. Since the beginning of the year (Jan. 1) I have lost six pounds! That’s more than I lost over almost a year. And I can finally start seeing definition in my muscles, and that makes me extremely happy. I finally am seeing my abs that have been hiding for so long! This program has given me the confidence I’ve been looking for!!” 

“The Lean + Tone Program is the first program that I have looked forward to following every day. I am used to my food being quite repetitive and following the Lean + Tone food plan was so much fun.  I enjoyed making all of the recipes and they were delicious and filling! The protein shakes in the morning kept me going through my morning workout and all the way until a late lunch. I will definitely hang on to these recipes and continue to use them.” 

Disclaimer: The Lean + Tone program and materials are for educational use only and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Responses to the Lean + Tone program will vary based on individual characteristics. Participants should seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions regarding personal health or medical conditions or before beginning any new exercise or nutritional program. You expressly assume any and all risks of injury relating to the Lean + Tone program and release Life Time Fitness, Inc. from any and all claims arising out of such injury.

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