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Podcasts have been around since the early 2000s but have boomed in popularity in the last decade — and even more so in the last few years. Many of us rely on them as a daily source of news and entertainment.

“I started listening to podcasts because I was getting tired of the same music over and over on my playlists,” says Danielle Erickson, Life Time Work specialist in Bridgewater, N.J. “Now I’m hooked, listening in the car, while exercising, or whenever I have me-time. Not only does it provide a much-needed break from screens, but it also serves as an opportunity to learn when I don’t have a book available.”

Weekly, daily, miniseries, and more, podcasts come in many forms — and in even more genres. There is something for everyone. Whether you’re an avid listener or just getting started, here are some podcast suggestions from our very own Life Time Work team members.

1. The Know with Nikki Spo

“Nikki Sapp Spoelstra is an entrepreneur, a philanthropist, a mother of two boys, a wife, a dog-mom, and a former Teacher of the Year. She’s also a Life Time Work and club member at our Coral Gables location. Nikki established The Know podcast in 2021 to highlight stories of tenacious women. She is passionate about the arts, giving back to the community, and physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

“I enjoy the casual conversation feel to the podcast, and it seems to always be the perfect amount of time: 20 to 30 minutes as I drive to work. I love that she showcases people who have been influential and help their communities for the better. The podcast features truly inspiring conversations.”

– Molly Walsh (she/her), Life Time Work Leader in Coral Gables, Fla.

2. WHOOP Podcast by Will Ahmed

“The WHOOP Podcast interviews top athletes, scientists, and experts to showcase people who are performing at their peak — and provides tips for listeners on how to unlock their best performance.

“I listen to it on every commute. I love learning in general, and I recently became more aware and intentional of my health and how I can contribute to my future (older) self’s health and well-being — especially with stress, recovery, and sleep. Building and rebuilding healthy habits (and unlearning some unhealthy ones) can be difficult, but WHOOP helps me create quality habits that have a positive impact on my overall well-being.”

– Miguel Mascorro-Ruvalcaba (he/him), Life Time Work Leader in Houston

3. Whistleblower Podcast: Who Fixed the NBA?

“The Whistleblower Podcast is a deep dive into the NBA referee scandal that made news headlines in 2007. As a fanatic of basketball and the NBA, it was amazing to me how much a referee could impact the flow and outcome of a game. I really enjoyed how they peeled back the layers on the NBA referee system. I typically listen to the podcast on my commute to and from work — it definitely keeps me entertained.”

– Torris Pierce (he/him), Life Time Work Leader in Chicago

4. Something Was Wrong by Tiffany Reese

Something Was Wrong by Tiffany Reese has captivated me. It’s an award-winning true-crime docuseries about the discovery, trauma, and recovery from shocking life events and abusive relationships.

“I’m very fascinated with true crime. This genre usually has a way of gripping the audience, and I often end up with more questions than answers about human psychology. It has been eye-opening to learn about abuse, manipulation, and control, though these topics may be triggering to some listeners. I really like the focus on mental health and the importance of having healthy relationships as well as the discussions on healing from trauma.”

– Danielle Erickson (she/her), Life Time Work Specialist, Bridgewater, N.J.

Bonus: Life Time Talks by Life Time

This healthy-living podcast — hosted by Jamie Martin, editor in chief of Experience Life magazine, and David Freeman, national performer brand leader for Life Time — aims to help listeners achieve their health, fitness, and life goals. Each episode offers expert insights and tips on everything from exercise, nutrition, and sleep to stress management, mental health, and more. No matter where you are on your fitness journey, Life Time Talks can help you make meaningful, sustainable progress.

Looking for more podcast recommendations? Check out some of our Experience Life staff’s favorites.

And if you have a podcast you love, feel free to share in the comments below!

Emily Ewen

Emily Ewen is a senior writer and content editor at Life Time.

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