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Participants lifting dumbbell weights in a group fitness class.

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Cardio Strength Training Boxing & Kickboxing  Yoga Barre Dance Indoor Cycle

Many experts recommend creating a workout routine you enjoy and want to stick with — and group fitness classes are a great place to start. From yoga to barre and strength training to high-intensity interval training, every workout class offers unique benefits.

They also provide community and allow you to step in for a pre-planned workout — all you need to do is show up and move through it.

At Life Time, the extensive roster of group fitness options means there’s something for everyone, as well as every goal, every mood, and every unique fitness need. Life Time offers hundreds of classes on the schedule each week, all included in your membership.

Additionally, each class can be modified to fit varying fitness levels. If needed, ask your instructor for modifications and they’ll work with you.

To help you make the most of the group fitness class experience, we rounded up a list of all the options available to potentially add to your routine. Whether you’re looking for cardio, strength, a combination of the two, or yoga, choose your goal and get ready to try something new. (Check your club’s schedule for class days and times, as offerings vary.)


GOAL: Get your heart pumping with high-intensity Intervals for a metabolic boost.


Class Details


Equipment: Dumbbells, bench, resistance bands, kettlebells, weighted bar
Length: 45 or 60 minutes

What to expect: This class takes high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to a new level: You’ll perform weighted movements at a pace that elevates your heart rate. Every class challenges the entire body through progressions of movements: The more muscles you use throughout those progressions, the higher your heart rate goes. You can expect an exhilarating and breathless full-body workout that delivers a metabolic boost that lasts beyond the class.

Try XTREME Intervals

Class Details 

XTREME Intervals

Equipment: Dumbbells, bench, resistance bands, kettlebells, weighted bar, jump rope
Length: 45 or 60 minutes

What to expect:A dynamic class where HIIT takes various forms. Whether it’s an intense cardio push through movement, targeted muscular engagement, or a seamless blend of both, the focus of this class is delivering a full-body conditioning workout that works every major muscle group. The experience leaves you sweaty — and stronger than when you started.

GOAL: Improve your athletic performance and strengthen your entire body in under an hour.

Try XTREME Kettlebell

Class Details

XTREME Kettlebell

Equipment: Kettlebells, bench, mat
Length: 45 minutes

What to expect:This class combines cardio and strength-training exercises — think HIIT drills and progressions of weighted exercises — using only kettlebells and your body weight. Taking advantage of the versatile uses and benefits of the kettlebell — and working at your own pace — you’ll move through strength-building exercises as well as dynamic cardio moves that you’ll feel throughout class and beyond.

GOAL: Improve stamina and cardio endurance in a fun, fast-paced environment.


Class Details


Equipment: Optional light dumbbells
Length: 45 or 60 minutes

What to expect: This high-energy class is a fun, mood-boosting way to fall in love with movement — and get sweaty. Every class features simple combos of exercises, including kickboxing, high- and low-impact aerobics, and athletic drills. The music is as energizing as the moves you’ll perform.


Class Details


Equipment: Fitness step
Length: 45 or 60 minutes

What to expect:Grab your mini (step) stage, it’s time to move! This high-energy class gets you moving and sweating quickly. You’ll move up, down, and all around the step while listening to a variety of music genres and engaging in simple, easy-to follow choreography.


GOAL: Strengthen your body while focusing on proper form for basic weight-lifting moves.

Try LIFT Barbell Strength

Class Details

LIFT Barbell Strength

Equipment: Barbell, dumbbells, mat, bench
Length: 45 or 60 minutes

What to expect: You’ll use a barbell throughout class to efficiently target all major muscle groups. Move through squats, lunges, chest and overhead presses, triceps dips, bicep curls, and more. The movements are synced to the beat of the music, with each new song introducing a new muscle group, allowing you to find your groove. You’ll leave class feeling stronger and more confident.

GOAL: Skip the cardio and focus on strengthening all major muscle groups.

Try LIFT Strictly Strength

Class Details

LIFT Strictly Strength

Equipment: Barbell, dumbbells, gliding discs, weighted bars, resistance bands, mat, bench
Length: 45 or 60 minutes

What to expect: As the name suggests, this class is all about building muscle. Featuring a series of moderate-resistance, high-rep moves, it puts your full-body strength and endurance to the test. The goal for each class is to lift a little heavier and to feel a little stronger than before.

GOAL: Build upper-body and core strength through resistance training.

Try MAXOUT Upper Body (formerly Upper Rx)

Class Details

MAXOUT Upper body

Equipment: Barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, bench, mat
Length: 45 or 60 minutes

What to expect: This class prioritizes strengthening and toning the muscles in your chest, back, shoulders, arms, and abs. Feel your muscles burn with heavy weights and high-energy sets before finishing off with a quick round of metabolic conditioning.

GOAL: Stabilize and strengthen your lower body through functional movements.

Try MAXOUT Lower Body (formerly Gluteus Maxout)

Class Details

Maxout Lower body

Equipment: Barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands, bench, mat
Length: 45 or 60 minutes

What to expect:MAXOUT Lower Body is your powerful “leg day” workout. You’ll lift heavy and push your limits while conquering squats, lunges, deadlifts, and more. All the movements are focused on building strength and endurance in your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves. You’ll finish class with a high-energy challenge to build your aerobic capacity.

GOAL: Challenge every muscle group with heavy lifting.

Try MAXOUT Mashup

Class Details

Maxout Mashup

Equipment: Barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands
Length: 60 minutes

What to expect:MAXOUT Mashup is a 50/50 blend of MAXOUT Upper Body and MAXOUT Lower Body. From squats to overhead presses, no muscle gets left behind. You’ll finish class with a round of high-energy metabolic conditioning that challenges your aerobic capacity.

GOAL: Go beyond crunches to unlock a strong core and better posture.


Class Details

Maxout Core

Equipment: Dumbbells, kettlebells, weighted bar, gliding discs, mat
Length: 30 or 45 minutes

What to expect: In this class, you’ll spend time performing a wide variety of core exercises — including neutral, flexion, extension, and rotational core movements — that target every area of your core. At the end of each class, there’s a MAXOUT Core challenge.

GOAL: Mix strength and heart-pumping cardio moves for a results-driven full-body workout.


Class Details


Equipment: Barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands, bench, mat
Length: 45 minutes

What to expect: SHRED is a circuit-style workout comprised of one-minute exercise sets that target your upper body, lower body, and core. While the focus is strength, you’ll rev up your heart rate with one-minute athletic cardio drills after completing the muscle-burning strength sets. SHRED offers scalability to meet your needs, meaning this class is for everyone from beginners to experienced athletes.

Boxing and Kickboxing

GOAL: Get a high-energy cardio workout with the added challenge of boxing techniques.


Class Details


Equipment: 1-pound boxing bells, weighted bar
Length: 45 or 60 minutes

What to expect:Jab, cross, hook, uppercut and STRIKE your way to an epic workout.  Inspired by stick-fighting, you’ll use a weighted bar and boxing bells for an intense, high-energy cardio workout that’s edgy and full of attitude.

Try STRIKE Kickboxing

Class Details

STRIKE Kickboxing

Equipment: Optional 1-pound boxing bells
Length: 45 to 60 minutes

What to expect: Get ready for a workout filled with heart-pounding combinations of traditional kickboxing moves with high energy athletic cardio drills. You’ll punch, kick, jab, cross and hook to high-energy music, and leave class feeling unstoppable after mastering kickboxing combos.

Try STRIKE Boxing & Conditioning

Class Details

STRIKE Boxing & Conditioning

Equipment: Dumbbells, jump rope, 1-pound boxing bells, bench
Length: 45 to 60 minutes

What to expect: Train and condition like professional boxers do in this conditioning and non-contact boxing workout. Your coach will guide you through a dynamic workout of shadowboxing drills,  weighted exercises, and jump rope challenges. This is perfect cross-training class to maximize your calorie burn while building confidence and stamina.


GOAL: Relax your mind and stretch your body.


Class Details


Equipment: Yoga mat
Length: 45, 60, or 75 minutes

What to expect: Move through a slow, meditative yin-yoga practice to create greater mobility in your joints while mindfully stressing your body’s connective tissues and challenging the calmness of your mind. An instructor guides you through a sequence of yin poses, encouraging you to concentrate on your breath as you hold the poses for extended periods. The room is set to a low heat of around 75 degrees F.

GOAL: Learn the fundamentals of yoga in a fully guided class.

Try SOL Guided Vinyasa

Class Details

SOL Guided Vinyasa

Equipment: Yoga mat
Length: 45, 60, or 75 minutes

What to expect: Synchronize your breath to your movements as you flow through a blend of standing and vinyasa yoga poses. Your teacher provides cues throughout class to gently guide you, offering modifications as needed. This class is designed to systematically untie the knots that can block the flow of energy in the body, especially those in the back, thighs, and glutes. The room is set to a medium-high heat between 85 and 95 degrees F.

GOAL: Calm your mind while increasing mobility and strengthening your body.


Class Details


Equipment: Yoga mat
Length: 45, 60, or 75 minutes

What to expect: Flow through a series of foundational yoga poses while noticing the physical sensations and energetic aspects of the practice. This is a slower-paced, beginner-friendly yoga class that provides the opportunity to breathe deeply as you build steadiness in each posture. This Hatha yoga experience can help you feel more grounded while also inspiring acute muscle engagement to create greater stability in the joints of your body. The room is set to a low heat of around 75 degrees F.

GOAL: Level-up your yoga practice with a faster-paced flow.


Class Details


Equipment: Yoga mat
Length: 45, 60, 75, or 90 minutes

What to expect: This vinyasa-style yoga class features a series of flowing yoga sequences, then sets you free to explore the poses at your personal pace. Allow your breath to guide you to a state of mental calm during this powerfully energetic experience. The room is set to a medium-high heat between 85 and 95 degrees F.


GOAL: Fire Up with high-intensity interval training and zen out with a guided flow.


Class Details


Equipment: Yoga mat
Length: 45, 60, or 75 minutes

What to expect: This class is a unique fusion of high-intensity interval training and yoga, with mindful recovery in between. You move quickly, sweat, and lose your breath before finding it again in guided yoga poses. The room is set to a medium heat of 85 degrees F.

GOAL: Build cardio and strength through mindful yoga movements and metabolic conditioning.

Try Warrior Sculpt

Class Details

Warrior Sculpt

Equipment: Yoga mat, light to moderate dumbbells
Length: 45 or 60 minutes

What to expect: Move mindfully through yoga poses including upward- and downward-facing dog and warrior, as well as strength moves such as overhead presses, pushups, and squats. This class is set to energizing music, which serves as the soundtrack for your mind-body journey. The room is set to a medium-high heat between 85 and 95 degrees F.


GOAL: Increase total-body strength, build stability, and increase balance.

 Try LIFE BARRE Fusion

Class Details


Equipment: Floor-mounted barre, dumbbells, resistance bands, gliding discs, Pilates ball, weighted bar
Length: 45 or 60 minutes

What to expect: This class combines cardio, strength, balance, and mobility exercises that are choreographed for both on and off the barre. It’s an all-in-one approach that’s designed to work  your entire body as well as help you better connect with it through mindful, purposeful movement. Each class features a variety of props to amplify the muscle burn.

Try LIFE BARRE Strength

Class Details


Equipment: Floor-mounted barre, dumbbells, resistance bands, gliding discs, Pilates ball, weighted bar
Length: 45 or 60 minutes

What to expect: LIFE BARRE Strength is a low-impact experience in which you’ll focus on enhancing your muscular definition using dumbbells and resistance bands on and off the barre. You’ll also flex the mind-body connection as you move from working major muscles to smaller ones with intentional isometric movements.


Class Details


Equipment: Floor-mounted barre, dumbbells, resistance bands, gliding discs, Pilates ball
Length: 30 or 45 minutes

What to expect: This class combines graceful ballet-inspired sequences with challenging core exercises. Pulling from ballet, yoga and Pilates, each class targets your core muscles, as well as your glutes and lower back, which impact core stability. This low-impact workout can help improve your posture and balance via movements that are both on and off the barre.

Try LIFE BARRE Classic

Class Details


Equipment: Floor-mounted barre, dumbbells, resistance bands, gliding discs, Pilates ball
Length: 30 or 45 minutes

What to expect:Practice the precision, control, and elegance of a classical ballet class and the power and strength of barre fitness. From pliés and arabesques to squats and shoulder presses, this on-and-off-the-barre class uses a variety of props and tools to challenge the strength, flexibility, stamina, and mobility of your entire body.


GOAL: Improve endurance, balance, and coordination to the rythym of great music.


Class Details


Equipment: No equipment needed
Length: 45 to 60 minutes

What to expect: Sweat and move to the music in this cardio dance party workout. No dance experience required. You’ll shake and groove with easy-to-follow choreography to an epic playlist of songs. Leave every class feeling empowered, confident, and energized.

Try DANZE World Beats

Class Details

DANZE World beats

Equipment: No equipment needed
Length: 45 to 60 minutes

What to expect: Pack your bags and travel around the world in this vibrant and culturally enriching dance experience. You’ll explore diverse dance styles and traditions from various countries and regions, immersing yourself in the beauty of the world through dance.  No dance experience required.

Try DANZE + Tone

Class Details

DANZE + Tone

Equipment: Light dumbbells, resistance bands
Length: 45 to 60 minutes

What to expect: A dynamic and exciting fitness experience combining the joy of dance with targeted toning exercises using light dumbbells. This class offers a holistic approach to health and wellness to improve your cardiovascular health while having a blast.

Try DANZE Choreography

Class Details

DANZE Choreography

Equipment: No equipment needed
Length: 45 to 60 minutes

What to expect: Let out your inner dancer and show off your style. Move your body and challenge your mind as you break a choreographed routine into easy-to-follow sections focused on technique and timing. Every class will end with a show-stopping performance with you and fellow participants as the stars.

Indoor Cycle

GOAL: Boost your mood with high-energy cardio intervals and great music.


Class Details


Equipment: Indoor cycling bike
Length: 45, 50, or 60 minutes

What to expect: Often called a “party on a bike,” this class features choreographed, on-the-bike moves that are synchronized to the music and lights. The energetic instructors, along with the camaraderie with fellow cyclists, help keep you motivated so the workout flies by. You won’t track metrics in this class; simply show up to ride, break a sweat, and celebrate your efforts with the others in the class.

GOAL: Improve your cycling endurance or train for a cycling race.


Class Details


Equipment: Indoor cycling bike
Length: 45, 50, or 60 minutes

What to expect: Rhythm and metrics meet in this music-driven class that challenges your inner athlete. The high-intensity format is designed to improve your strength, speed, and stamina through objective-based challenges. You’ll use your bike’s console to measure your success as you go.


Class Details


Equipment: Indoor cycling bike
Length: 45, 60, 75, or 90 minutes

What to expect: This class integrates targeted metrics as you move through various levels of intensity. This class is programmed using objective training so you can elevate your performance on the bike both inside and outside of the cycle studio. If you wear a heart-rate monitor, you can more accurately pace yourself and measure your progress over time.

GOAL: An effective full-body cardio and strength workout with a variety of movements.

Try AMP Sculpt

Class Details

AMP Sculpt

Equipment: Indoor bike, light dumbbells, resistance bands
Length: 45, 50, or 60 minutes

What to expect: Ride to the rhythm and lift to the beat with the same party-on-a-bike vibes you’ll find in AMP — but with an infusion of strength work. AMP Sculpt combines a high-cardio, choreographed ride with muscle-sculpting sections on or off the bike, using light to moderate weights.

Try EDG Sculpt

Class Details

EDG Sculpt

Equipment: Indoor cycling bike, dumbbells, resistance bands
Length: 45, 50, or 60 minutes

What to expect: This class is a cycle experience with double the impact. Expect high-intensity, objective-based challenges paired with muscle-sculpting strength training, both on and off the bike. This key combination can help you unlock transformative fitness results.

Emily Ewen

Emily Ewen is a senior writer and content editor at Life Time.

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Three people in a cardio fitness class.

The Class Collection

Move and be moved together in classes only available at Life Time. Choose from a variety of strength, cardio, yoga, cycle, barre, kickboxing, and dance class options.

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