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Exercise Time
Body-Weight Squat 4 minutes
Power Leg 90 seconds
Crescent-Lunge Burpee 2 minutes
Carousel Horse 2 minutes per side

⊗ Perform the moves in order, focusing on form.
⊕ Rest only when needed.

Body-Weight Squat

Perform for 4 minutes.

Full Instructions
  • Stand with feet slightly wider than your hips and point your toes out to 11 and 1 on an imaginary clock. Have a chair or countertop nearby in case you need help with balance.
  • Root into your heels and bend at the knees to drop your hips toward the floor with control. Keep your knees over your ankles, shoulders relaxed, and spine long.
  • Push through your heels and drive upward to return to standing. Resist the urge to push the hips forward.

Rest when needed.

Power Leg

Perform for 90 seconds, moving up and down 1 inch.

Full Instructions
  • Stand with feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward. Have a chair or countertop nearby in case you need help with balance.
  • With a slight bend in your knees, push through the balls of your feet to slowly lift your heels off the floor about 1 inch. Pause briefly to align your shoulders over your hips.
  • Then, lift your heels higher, stopping when you reach a challenging height (it might be lower than you think!). Bend your knees even deeper so they shoot directly over the tops of your feet.
  • Keep your shoulders stacked directly over your hips. Place your fingertips on a chair or other surface to help you balance, if needed.
  • Slowly drop your tailbone toward your heels about 1 inch before pushing back up. Be sure to keep your pelvis neutral (no tucking or tipping it back). Move up and down 1 inch for about 90 seconds.
  • If you feel any knee pain, try hinging forward slightly at the waist. For pain in the ankles or feet, lower the heels or flatten the feet to the ground and hinge forward at the waist.

Rest when needed.

Crescent-Lunge Burpee

Repeat, slowly, for 2 minutes. To finish, hold the plank for 30 to 60 seconds.

Full Instructions
  • Start in a crescent lunge position: Step forward with one foot, ensuring feet are hip width apart and parallel. Sweep your arms overhead and bend your knees into a lunge position, front knee over the same-side ankle.
  • Square your hips to the front of the room and relax your shoulders. Sweep your palms down to the floor and step your front foot back into plank position, hands in line with your shoulders.
  • Tighten your core and hold the plank briefly. Then, step the opposite foot forward until you are in a crescent lunge on the opposite side.
  • It’s important to move slowly and with control, allowing each part of the movement to take two counts.
  • Repeat slowly for two minutes. To finish, hold the plank for 30 to 60 seconds.
  • If doing this exercise on the floor hurts your wrists, elevate your hands on a chair.

Rest when needed.

Carousel Horse

Perform for 2 minutes per side.

Full Instructions
  • Begin standing with feet hip width apart and parallel to each other. Have a chair or countertop nearby in case you need help with balance.
  • Then, step one foot back and bend your rear knee so it’s directly under your rear hip. Bend your front knee slightly so it’s directly over your front ankle. Square your hips to the front of the room.
  • Keeping your front knee fixed, drop your back knee down 1 inch, then lift it up 1 inch. Continue for two minutes before switching legs. Perform the move for two minutes on the opposite leg.
  • If you feel pressure in the lower back or knees, hinge forward slightly.

Rest when needed.

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