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woman on a mat who is pregnant and sam's headshot

A Guide to Eating and Exercising During Pregnancy

With Samantha McKinney, RD, CPT
Season 8, Episode 9

Understand the influence that eating and exercise habits have on a pregnancy, how an individual’s needs change in these areas during this time, and which efforts to prioritize to support the health of both mom and baby.

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Barbara Powell and Brie Vortherms

An Integrative Approach to Mental Well-Being

With Brie Vortherms, MA, LMFT and Barbara Powell, MA
Season 8, Episode 8

Learn why taking an integrative approach to mental well-being can be a productive route to a more optimal state of mental-well-being, and gain tangible ideas for different practices and modalities that can help you feel and function better.

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Coach Anika Life Greens powder

Why Supplement With a Greens Powder?

With Anika Christ, RD
Season 8, Episode 7

A greens powder supplement is one straightforward way to up your intake of a variety of veggies and fruit.

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sun peaking through trees

Why Trees Matter So Much — for the Health of People and the Planet

With Jad Daley and Sarah Emola
Season 8, Episode 6

From cooling and cleaning the air to improving our mental and physical well-being, the effects that trees have on our health are more powerful and wide-reaching than many of us may realize — or give them credit for.

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woman lifting a barre and headshot of Joe

Why Escalating Density Training?

With Joe Meier, CSCS, PN2
Season 8, Episode 5

Escalating Density Training (EDT) is an approach to training that’s focused on density during strength training — and that can mean big results in a shorter period of exercise.

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person holding a protein shake and Paul's headshot

Why Whey Protein?

With Paul Kriegler, RD, CPT
Season 8, Episode 4

Whey is considered one of the best sources of protein. Understand what whey is, its benefits to health and fitness, and how to choose a quality whey protein powder.

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Chocolate Malt Protein Shake

Chocolate Malt Protein Shake

By The Life Time Health Team

Featuring 33 grams of protein.

Katie smiling and food in the background

Why It’s Worth it to Test for At-Home Food Reactions

With Katie Knafla, RD
Season 8, Episode 3

A registered dietitian explains what food sensitivities are, what the symptoms and causes are, and what’s involved in testing for them — and the advantages of doing so.

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Anika and sam headshot

Ask the Dietitians: Your Nutrition Questions, Answered (Part Two)

With Anika Christ, RD, and Samantha McKinney, RD
Season 8, Episode 2

Which supplement ingredients should I avoid? What is considered “clean eating”? Are there healthy habits to never waiver on? Life Time dietitians answer these common nutrition questions — and more.

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Jamie and David headshot and group of people putting their hands in the middle

Constant Change: How to Embrace it and Adapt

With Jamie Martin and David Freeman
Season 8, Episode 1

Although we often inherently feel resistant to change, it is a constant, and it’s valuable to see the potential it in so we can continue to adapt and grow.

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People smiling in a workout class

How to Fall in Love With Your Workouts

By Emily Ewen

Four fitness experts from Life Time share their top tips for cultivating a positive mindset around exercise.

Cocktail in a glass next to a couple of sliced limes.

2 Refreshing Electrolyte Mocktail Recipes

By The Life Time Health Team

The inclusion of electrolytes in these mocktails provides you with an extra hydration boost.

An image of a woman's silhouette over a woman's head with her eye's closed and a sunset in the background.

5-Minute Meditation to Expand Your Vision

By Life Time

Help to improve your focus, concentration, clarity, and overall mental performance.

two people holding hands and Laura's headshot

Caring for Caregivers

With Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, MSW
Season 7, Episode 20

Whether you’re in a position of caregiving for loved ones or in an industry in which it’s your job to do so, caring for others can take an invisible toll on one’s health. It’s made even more challenging by the lack or absence of societal systems to support caregivers.

Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, MSW, explains the effects of caregiving, including the corresponding struggles you may experience — such as trauma, decision fatigue, and overwhelm. She also shares ideas for how caregivers can care for themselves and support their well-being.

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person running on trail and Courtney head shot

Embracing Intuitive Training

With Ultramarathoner Courtney Dauwalter
Season 7, Episode 18

Ultramarathoner Courtney Dauwalter is no stranger to pushing her body and mind to the extreme — she’s done it time and again as she pursues ultra-endurance goals. To prepare for long races (many of which exceed 100 miles), she uses a method of “intuitive training,” an approach in which she tunes in and listens to the messages from her body and mind. In this episode, Dauwalter shares what led her to embrace this mode of training and how she consistently pushes forward in these big efforts — even when it feels hard.

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Jim and Jeff headshot

Living Well While You Live Long: The Growing Quest for Longevity

With Jeff Zwiefel and Jim LaValle, RPh, CCN
Season 7, Episode 17

Most of us, regardless of our age, are looking to optimize not only our lifespan, but also our health span. In recent years, this quest for longevity has contributed to a growing business with significant economic impact.

In this, episode, Jeff Zwiefel and Jim LaValle, RPh, CCN, discuss the lifestyle factors that contribute to a long and healthy life, as well as the growing body of resources and tools that can support this effort, including MIORA Performance and Longevity at Life Time.

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Tastes like a sugar cookie shake

Tastes Like a Sugar Cookie Shake

By The Life Time Health Team

A sugar-free treat that packs in 30 grams of protein plus added vitamins and minerals.

Paul Kriegler

What Are Macros and Calories?

With Paul Kriegler, RD, CPT
Season 7, Episode 16

Macros and calories are often the focus for many individuals who are pursuing health-related goals, particularly those tied to body composition. Yet as straightforward as these essential elements of nutrition may seem, they are actually quite complicated and nuanced. Paul Kriegler, RD, CPT, helps us understand the differences between macros and calories and the roles they play in our health and well-being. He also offers insights for how to think about them when it comes to healthy eating.

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man on beach and Henry photo

The Loneliness Epidemic: Why a Sense of Belonging Is Essential to Our Well-Being

With Henry Emmons, MD
Season 7, Episode 15

Labeled by the U.S. Surgeon General as an epidemic, loneliness is affecting our population at alarming rates and having a devastating impact on both our physical and mental health. In addition to contributing to the increased risks of heart disease, dementia, and stroke, lacking social connection has been proven to be as detrimental to physical health as smoking. Henry Emmons, MD, shares more about these health effects and offers some tangible steps we can all take to increase our sense of belonging.

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life time talks metabolic assessment

Why Active Metabolic Assessment?

With Anika Christ, CPT, RD
Season 7, Episode 14

The Active Metabolic Assessment, often referred to as an AMA, is a test that assesses your current fitness status and provides data that can inform your fitness program and make your workouts more efficient. Anika Christ, CPT, RD, explains what the AMA is, the data you get from it, why that information is important, and how to use it to tailor your exercise regimen.

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person laughing and Barbara photo

How Do I Rest — Really? Understanding the 7 Types of Rest

With Barbara Powell, MA, NBC-HWC
Season 7, Episode 13

Rest is essential to our health and wellness, yet it often gets pushed to the side in favor of other things that require our time and attention. Importantly, it’s not just physical rest we need: There are six other types that contribute to our overall well-being.

In this episode, Barbara Powell, MA, NBC-HWC, joins us to first explain the signs and symptoms of under-rest to watch for. She then delves into the seven versions of rest we need, and for each, the micro, macro, and habitual ways we can get more rest so we can perform better and live life more fully.

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